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Shepard’s Purse For Heavy Menstrual Flow

Belonging to the mustard family of plants, Shepard’s Purse has a long and storied history as serving as astringent herb known to constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow. From stopping nosebleeds to controlling heavy menstrual bleeding, Shepard’s Purse has been known for reduce all sorts of natural-occurring bleeding issues.

Herbalist will often recommend the herb in order to help treat ulcers and bites, but women often use Shepard’s Purse to cure a heavy menstrual flow.

Most women consider a heavy menstrual flow normal; it’s not. A heavy menstrual flow can lead to anemia, pale skin, and even concentration problems. What may seem like a menial problem often occurs to thousands of women everywhere across the world.

The Cause for a Heavy Menstrual Flow

Heavy menstrual bleed is due to an excessive elevation of progesterone that overproduces cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The excess production of cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine inflames the ovaries and triggers the neuroimmune responses, inflaming the adjacent organs and tissues.  The abnormal ovarian function can cause either excessive progesterone or excessive estrogen production.

When the ovarian function produces excessive progesterone, the hormone will overload the liver P450 detoxification, stress out the pituitary-adrenal axis, and reduce the efficiency of the oxytocin and DHEA, hormones necessary for regulating menstruation and producing lubrication for the vagina.
By taking Midwives’ Secret Heavy Menstrual Flow Remedy, women can reduce the heavy flow caused by menstruation, preventing anemia, pale skin, and the lack of concentration from taking place.

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GuideID: 60527

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