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Sex Position: Cocked Back

Prior to firing a gun, you need to pull the hammer back or “cock the gun.” Once you pull the hammer, you’re ready to fire the weapon. In Cocked Back, ladies will handle a loaded weapon, and like real-life guns, need to exercise care to avoid injuries.
Ladies, you can perform this position during or before intercourse. During intercourse, ladies can notice males losing strength, prompting females to apply manual stimulation; meanwhile, before intercourse, a few strokes can prepare a man for intercourse.

Why She’ll Love It:

You want him at full strength, and Cocked Back will improve his vigor. Using your hands for stimulation, he’ll remain at full strength thanks to your smooth, soft hands. You too can use this time to massage his testicles while enjoying his moaning before intercourse.

Why He’ll Love It:

You might have trouble keeping an erection. Cocked Back gives you the necessary pleasure to improve your fleeting strength. With a few gentle tugs, you’ll see your desires shoot back up, and during position changes, these gentle strokes provide plenty of stimulation to keep you excited.

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 338
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: Medium
Pleasure for Her: Medium
Not Suitable For: Impotence
Other Positions You May Like: Coffee Table Lean
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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GuideID: 60156

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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