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Penile Enlargement for Aging Men

Mark Twain said that age was merely an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Penis size is an issue of matter over mind. If it matters, you mind. And as a man ages, he will notice a change in the length and width of his penis. While aging remains unavoidable, penile shrinkage because of age can be reversed and even prevented.

Age, Hormones, and Shrinkage

According to Harvard Health Publications, men experience a slow decline in testosterone by their 30s and 40s. By age 80, testosterone levels will be about half of what they were. And because of these depleted testosterone levels, males will experience reductions in sex drive; testicles will shrink; belly fat will rise; and sleep apnea will occur. But how exactly does age cause penile shrinkage?

Men will experience a natural decrease in penile size; however, men can reverse this shrinkage.

With age, a bevy of ineffectual conditions occur. Males gain weight. They experience higher levels of cholesterol and plaque buildup from years of unhealthy diets. They even notice reductions in their metabolism. And as men age, they too will notice what Dr. Irwin Goldstein, director of medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, says occurs to the penis:

  • A buildup of plaque that blocks the flow of blood to the penis, an issue likely caused by high cholesterol and weight gain due to age.
  • A buildup of inelastic scar tissue that prevents penile arteries from increasing in size inside the erectile chambers, an issue likely caused by excessive use of the penis.

Both issues can occur to men as they age. And because of lower hormonal production, the body will produce lower levels of HGH, dopamine, testosterone and acetylcholine, chemicals that affect tissue regeneration of the penis. Without these chemicals, a man may start to experience shrinkage because of age.

QCan Penile Enlargement Devices Help?
A: According to studies, devices, such as pumps, can bruise the tissue, rupture blood vessels and damage nerve endings of the penis.

QHow Do I Know Age Has Caused My Penis Shrinkage?
A: Men who experience shrinkage because of age will not suffer from other shrinkage-related causes including weight gain, penile injury, excessive masturbation or high stress hormones.   

Herbal Solutions

So how exactly can men prevent and reverse shrinkage caused by age? Thanks to herbal supplements (See More: Botanical Penis Size Recovery & Enhancement) infused with hormonal balancing nutrients and size-increasing properties, males can stymie shrinkage and improve size.

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Views: 328

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement ,penis shrinkage

GuideID: 59812

Guide Type: Discover

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