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Sex Position: Toot Your Own Horn

It’s okay to “toot your own horn” every now and then. Doing it in excess, well, that makes you sound arrogant; doing it while your partner watches, that makes you look like a sex god. You want to please her, and you want to do it while she watches. According to studies, men and women who pleasure themselves in front of their partners experience a higher sense of satisfaction with sex. For men especially, the visual stimulation created during Toot Your Own Horn can yield a more profound orgasm. 
Lie on your side to face your partner. Your partner should do the same. As you lie side by side, you will masturbate in front of the other. For men especially, visual stimulation can make for a pleasing experience.

Why She’ll Love It:

Watching your man masturbate creates an alluring experience you’re sure to love. You’ll watch him stroke and caress his rod, building your anticipation for sex. While on your side, you may even want to stroke his rod to get you really going.

Why He’ll Love It:

Watching her masturbate will really turn you on. You’ll lie there wanting to touch and caress her body, but don’t. Let the anticipation build. Once you two finish masturbating, then you can touch. So sit, wait and Toot Your Own Horn. 

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 135
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For:  Testicular Pain
Other Positions You May Like: Scrambled Eggs
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches+
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 367

GuideID: 58684

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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