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Understanding Penis Pumps: FAQs for the Common Man

Ask any man what he could change about his body, and the top-three answers will appear something like this:

1. His height
2. His hair
3. His penis size

Throughout history, men have tried to solve options two and three—so far—no luck. The ancient Egyptians used crude weight sets to stretch their penises; the men of the Renaissance age used codpieces, armor-like devices that encased and stretched the penis. And men of today, well, men of today may have tried, heard and even researched some type of penile enhancement device, supplement or technique. Despite the assortment of pills, exercises and devices on the market, penis pumps remain one of the most popular and well-known methods for enlargement.
The popularity of pumps have launched businesses, started penis pump review sites, and even fueled the 15-billion dollar sex-toy industry. And within every forum, across each health board and nestled in each inbox of medical pundit, the same question continues to appear: “Do penis pumps even work?”

How They Work—or Don’t

Penis pumps still remain effective treatment options for erectile dysfunction. But somewhere, some business owner or marketing expert decided to take the common advantages of penis pumps, such as improving erectile strength and minimizing erectile dysfunction, and promote the device as an enhancement option.
The devices contained basic parts—a pump, a vacuum, a release value (the safe devices at least) and a tube for the penis to fit inside of. When men place the device over their penises, the pump squeezes air that presses against tissue to redirect blood toward a penis. Once erect, men can remove the pump and continue with intercourse.
While pumps do an excellent job at improving erectile strength, little evidence proves these products can even enhance the length of a penis. Why? The redirection of blood toward one area of the penis does not explain how the penile tissue experiences expansion. More importantly, more blood toward one area does not cause the tissue to expand over time.

Ask any man what he could change about his body, and the top-three answers will appear something like this:

1. His height
2. His hair
3. His penis size

Throughout history, men have tried to solve options two and three—so far—no luck. The ancient Egyptians used crude weight sets to stretch their penises; the men of the Renaissance age used codpieces, armor-like devices that encased and stretched the penis. And men of today, well, men of today may have tried, heard and even researched some type of penile enhancement device, supplement or technique. Despite the assortment of pills, exercises and devices on the market, penis pumps remain one of the most popular and well-known methods for enlargement.
The popularity of pumps have launched businesses, started penis pump review sites, and even fueled the 15-billion dollar sex-toy industry. And within every forum, across each health board and nestled in each inbox of medical pundit, the same question continues to appear: “Do penis pumps even work?”

How They Work—or Don’t

Penis pumps still remain effective treatment options for erectile dysfunction. But somewhere, some business owner or marketing expert decided to take the common advantages of penis pumps, such as improving erectile strength and minimizing erectile dysfunction, and promote the device as an enhancement option.
The devices contained basic parts—a pump, a vacuum, a release value (the safe devices at least) and a tube for the penis to fit inside of. When men place the device over their penises, the pump squeezes air that presses against tissue to redirect blood toward a penis. Once erect, men can remove the pump and continue with intercourse.
While pumps do an excellent job at improving erectile strength, little evidence proves these products can even enhance the length of a penis. Why? The redirection of blood toward one area of the penis does not explain how the penile tissue experiences expansion. More importantly, more blood toward one area does not cause the tissue to expand over time.

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Views: 547

Ideas: Penile pump, male penis enlargement, injury treatment

GuideID: 61351

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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