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Sex Position: Pur-ceptive

Ladies in need of some well-needed hand-to-hand stimulation will feel rewarded with Pur-ceptive. Ideal for shower foreplay, Pur-ceptive prepares ladies for what awaits, and males who may lack the necessary skills in hand-to-hand stimulation can use this position for practice. Gentlemen, prepare yourself to go exploring.
Once in the shower, males will want to stand behind their partners. Males should use this position to kiss their partners' neck and further the stimulation threshold. After a few gentle kisses, males should feel free to massage the outer parts of the labia as they move closer and closer to the clitoris. Once you reach her clitoris, listen to the verbal cues as to whether you should speed up or slow down.

Why She’ll Love It:

His warm breath pressed against your neck while he kisses you should stimulate you enough. Once he starts to give you some hand-to-hand stimulation, you’ll be sure to enjoy the experience even more.

Why He’ll Love It:

You’ll be in charge of the stimulation. If you lack experience in this department, you’ll welcome the practice. If you’re a veteran, you know what she likes. Add in a few decadent kisses to further her anticipation for sex. What you’ll love the most, though, will be her fervent desire for you to make love to her.

Sex Position Number: 68

Difficulty: For Novice Couples
Pleasure for Him: Low
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For:  Irregular Periods
Other Positions You May Like: Seeing Eye to Eye
Ideal Penis Size:  N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low  

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Views: 240

GuideID: 61917

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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