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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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When Your T is low...
Each body requires a balance of chemicals to function correctly. These chemicals include hormones, which are created by certain glands and organs in the body.  Hormones determine your level of arousal and sexual stamina, while controlling hunger and weight.
Testosterone, a hormone found in both males and females, is produced through the testes in males and in the ovaries for females. Men generally have about 40 to 60 percent more testosterone than females, and it serves a fundamental part of the Male Sex Drive.

Testosterone even serves as an anabolic steroid to maintain hair growth and determine mood. Men who lack adequate testosterone levels often experience low sex drive, mood swings and depression.
Why Low “T”
The body can stop producing testosterone because of age, high levels of fat, especially in the abdominal region, and due to damaged pituitary glands. However, age and increased weight gain can contribute to the most common causes for depletion of testosterone.

And in some instances, low testosterone levels can occur because of sexual exhaustion, a state in which the body can no longer produce sufficient hormones for adequate sexual activity. 
Increasing “T” Levels
You can naturally elevate testosterone in your body. By taking an all-natural blend of herbs, your body can naturally balance the amount of testosterone present. Thanks to a blend of Cuscuta, Fo Ti, Damiana and Ashwagandha, your endocrine and nervous systems can lower the amount of 5-alpha reductase in the body, improve libido and increase the production of testosterone.

The combination of herbs too can suppress aromatase, an enzyme created by deposits of fat tissue in overweight men that can convert testosterone into a form of estrogen.

By increasing testosterone in your body, men can lower the risk of heart disease, improve sex drive, and enhance stamina and vitality. And because testosterone determines bone density, fat distribution and muscle mass, it serves as a necessary chemical for all men.

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