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Poor Task Management & Loss of Priority Caused by Mental & Sexual Exhaustion

Millions of people watch pornography on their computer on a regular, daily basis. Imagery that they find themselves lusting over stimulates various sections of their brains, resulting in masturbatory addiction. The pleasure from masturbation only serves to encourage them to watch more.
Are you one of these people? Do thoughts of these erotic images distract you too often in the middle of the day, disrupting your productivity and task management skills? Perhaps you may not even be aware of it.
The severity of poor task management and loss of priority caused by over masturbation develops in stages. First, at the ‘problematic’ stage, the sufferer experiences fatigue and difficulty concentrating. The ‘severe’ stage finds him irritable and sleeping uneasy. The ‘addictive’ stage manifests itself in the form of blurred vision and insomnia. The final ‘severely addictive’ stage encompasses all of the aforementioned symptoms, plus chronic fatigue and an inept ability to manage and prioritize.

Broken Mind & Body Connection

Our thoughts and emotions directly affect the state of our physical health - as many call it, the “mind-and-body connection” - which is physiologically connected through neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones. For people that suffer from mental and sexual exhaustion, the same neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones that are located in the frontoparietal section of the brain (that help our brain and body’s organs to communicate) are depleted, causing the deterioration of the ability to prioritize.  [1]
The loss of priority and task management abilities complicate your life dramatically when you are caught in a stressful situation and can only react to it with negativity. When you are mentally exhausted, your brain and body will not handle the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenalin well, affecting your ability to make sound judgments and decisions. Many young adults with mental and exhaustion problems often score low in exams, even after hours of studying. It is very difficult to achieve good grades if the mind can’t prioritize and manage the time to study efficiently. Writing logical and coherent term papers and delivering persuasive presentations become nearly impossible.

Consequences If You Left Untreated

If left untreated, mental and sexual exhaustion can further impact your body negatively. In fact, additional symptoms will appear. People with severe mental exhaustion often experience acceleration in ageing of their brain, a suppressed immune system, and a stunted potential for success.
In order to halt this vicious degradation, you need to stop or reduce your sexual activities.  Look in the mirror and take notice of the thoughts that arise at the sight of you. Do you recognize the positive things about yourself? Or do you focus on the negative? Do you always criticize others, like family members or friends, for your failures? When a stressful circumstance arises, do you think about the worst-case scenario or the potential positive outcome?

Surprising Research Discovery

Researchers have found that dopamine receptor and transporter density in the brain have a great influence on your task management skills, and social status. Using the PET computer imaging technique, the respected team of Dr. Martinez found that people with increased density of dopamine D2 & D3 receptors in the brain striatum are actually higher up in the social strata. It explains why mentally and sexually exhausted individuals have suffered constant mood swings, low self-esteem, and premature ejaculation coupled with performance anxiety.

Get Help Now 

Studies have also proven the effectiveness of natural solutions. Take herbs and minerals to help restore the depleted nutrients that are necessary in task management processing, and rejuvenate your mind. Soon, you’ll be able to take control and think positive again. [1][2]

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Views: 302

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, dopamine depletion

GuideID: 62013

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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