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Sex Position: A Touching Speech

Communication can be both verbal and non-verbal. Perhaps the most powerful non-verbal communication is the act of touch. Touch communicates emotion. It provides a way for humans to demonstrate love and affection, while for animals, touch offers a means for cleaning their offspring and helping with their development.

According to studies, babies who are cuddled, touched and hugged have a higher self-esteem and a better sense of self-worth.
A Touching Speech provides women with the opportunity to communicate their emotions to their man. Ladies can express their affection and love toward their partners, and a massage can provide A Touching Speech.

Why She’ll Love It:

Touching your partner helps you connect with him. Touch allows you to express your emotions, and a massage from A Touching Speech can communicate love and affection. So ladies, let your hands do the talking while you provide him with a new method of arousal.

Why He’ll Love It:

A massage can stimulate your sex drive, a beneficial attribute for men with E.D. For first-timers to sex, the anxiety level will be high and a massage will allay any fear you may feel before your first time. 

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 215
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: Medium
Not Suitable For: Impotence
Other Positions You May Like: Angle of His Dangle 
Ideal Penis Size:  N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 343

GuideID: 58804

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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