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Sex Position: Replacing The Drapes

Ladies, you’ll be placing your drapes right over his face, but don’t worry, he’ll use his imagination to add to the sensory stimulation. He being blinded, a man will notice a profound level of stimulation from each thrust and touch of your body. Add in the heightened ability to penetrate deeper, you and your partner will love the potential of Replacing The Drapes.
Men will lie on their backs with their feet extended forward. From this position, ladies will climb on top, bend their knees and allow a man to penetrate. After penetration occurs, ladies will then recline back and use their hands for support.

Why She’ll Love It:

Remember how you had to recline back? Such a small adjustment can make for a huge difference to your stimulation. The separation of your legs with the positioning of your body will increase the depth of penetration. Deeper penetration for smaller men can prove impossible, but from this angle, even the smallest of men can feel huge.
Meanwhile, ladies will want to swish their hair over a man’s eyes. Men will feel not only a ticklish sensation, but also a blocked view of the action, a very stimulating experience for men. 

Why He’ll Love It:

Your vision will be blocked, and your eyes will likely be closed. Without your eyesight, each thrust and every touch will make the experience much greater. You’ll love being blinded from this angle! Meanwhile, men with size issues will notice how large they feel to a woman, a confidence boost any man will want.

About This Position 

Sex Position Number: 123
Difficulty: Experienced
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For:  Men with Weak Erections
Other Positions You May Like: Barrel of The Gun
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches +
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Medium

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Views: 251

GuideID: 62437

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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