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Men Experienced with Hemorrhoids Are More Likely to Develop Erectile Dysfunction
Few men would ever blame their E.D. on a prior diagnosis of hemorrhoids, but according to recent research, men who have suffered from hemorrhoids before may be at risk for developing erectile dysfunction, a debilitating condition that affects a man’s basic sexual function.
The two conditions affect very different areas of the body, hemorrhoids cause swelling of the veins inside the rectum while erectile dysfunction causes a lack of blood flow to the penis, resulting in non-existent erections.
The Age Works Against Your Favor
Most severely debilitating illnesses and conditions, e.g., Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes, have a higher chance of affecting older men. Erectile dysfunction caused by hemorrhoids seems to be the atypical exception. 24.9% of males under 40 who had E.D. were previously diagnosed with hemorrhoids within the last year.
According to the research, younger men, between the ages of 30 or less, were 3 times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction when diagnosed with hemorrhoids within the last year, while men ages 30-39 were 2 times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction when diagnosed with hemorrhoids within the last year.
When asked how hemorrhoids can cause E.D., researchers stated, “The localized swelling of the varicose veins around the deep perineum may induce local irritation and erectile disorders."
Alleviating The Pain
For men suffering from hemorrhoids and who may also be dealing with bouts of E.D., alleviating the hemorrhaging may be the first step in improving erections. Because hemorrhoids occur due to heavy pushing during a bowel movement, the varicose vein can become swollen. If you experience bleeding while passing stool, pain while sitting, irritation or itchiness near your anus, you may have hemorrhoids.   
Because hemorrhoids are caused by a swollen varicose vein, the condition is easily treated with topical solutions. For instance, Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera, two anti-inflammatory herbs, can help alleviate the swelling and itchiness associated with the condition. Almost all anti-hemorrhoid creams or wipes contain either witch hazel or Aloe Vera as their main ingredient.

Topical solutions aside, men can too benefit from changing their diet. Avoid eating food that upsets your stomach and eat more fiber-based foods. Fiber and plenty of water can help pass stool easier, avoiding any type of straining that may cause the varicose vein to become further inflamed.

Practice Anal Breathing Method to exercise anal sphincter and pc muscles that would benefit both hemorrhoids and erectile conditions.
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Ideas: Men's,ImpotenceYouth, Impotence

GuideID: 59633

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