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The Depressing Link Between SSRIs and Premature Ejaculation
Antidepressants are meant to make us feel better, but sometimes the side effects are more depressing than the initial side effects. “If you struggle just to make it through the day, take Feelbetteron.

Feelbetteron may cause headaches, nausea, sore muscles, blurred vision, constipation, diarrhea, auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, homicidal urges and occasional insomnia. Stop taking Feelbetteron if leprechauns instruct you to kill your congressman.” 
Yes, pharmaceuticals can be quite the mixed bag, and SSRIs are no exception. For instance, have you noticed difficulties in the bedroom? Specifically, does your penis seem especially “enthusiastic” since you started taking antidepressants?

Of course I'm talking about premature ejaculation. SSRIs can in fact lead to problems with PE, and what's more depressing than that? It almost makes you long for the days when depression simply meant lying in bed at night and reflecting on your mortality. I mean, at least when you're obsessing over the fragility of life, you're not apologizing to your partner for an embarrassing two-minute sex flop. 
SSRIs and Premature Ejaculation – The Science 
Comprehensive clinical studies have found a definitive link between SSRIs and premature ejaculation, and the problem seems to lie within the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Your parasympathetic nerves are essential for healthy ejaculatory function, as they not only regulate your erections, but also your ability to withhold ejaculation.

Think of these nerves as the like the gatekeepers of your orgasm. SSRIs deplete essential neurotransmitters, and that in turn weakens the parasympathetic nerves. Your testosterone and DHT receptors increase and overheat your prostate gland, which leads to a blockage of parasympathetic nerve impulses, and before you know it, your penis is behaving like a sprinkler whose automatic timer just doesn't seem to work properly anymore. 
So what's the solution? If you quit the antidepressants cold turkey, you may set yourself up for far more serious health problems. When it comes to SSRIs, you should always adjust your dosage gradually according to a doctor's supervision.

But even if you give them up altogether, that just brings you back to square 1. Perhaps the sex improves, but you're left to once again grapple with devastating depression. Unfortunately, this problem is fairly complex, and it needs to be treated delicately. 
Improving Your Sex Life While Maintaining Your Sexual Health 
Whether or not you give up the antidepressants (that's for you and your doctor to discuss), you need to restore your hormone and neurochemical balance. This will allow you to repair your parasympathetic nerves and thereby improve your ejaculatory function.

Having a malfunctioning penis is more than just a bit embarrassing, so we want to get this issue under control as soon as possible. There are some targeted botanical remedies which specifically work to restore these sensitive nerves. The remedies contain herbs like Astragalus Complanatus, Os Draconis, Cimicifuga and Gardenia. 
Aside from that, you might benefit from daily Kegel exercises. These have been shown to strengthen the ejaculatory valve and prostate gland. First locate your PC muscle by stopping the flow of urine mid-stream.

Once you find that muscle, spend 10 to 15 minutes each day expanding and contracting it. Just hold it tightly for a count of 10, then release it for a count of 5, and then repeat. Do this for about 10 repetitions. 
Your mental health is absolutely paramount, but you can maintain your positive frame of mind while still having fun in the bedroom...assuming you can last for longer than 5 minutes. Don't let premature ejaculation steal your mojo.
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Views: 277

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation, SSRIs

GuideID: 58957

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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