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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
País o Región
State or Province

Smoking Causing Your Impotence?

Smoking elevates blood pressure. It ruins your arteries. It damages your liver, your lungs, your heart and even your brain. Smokers often combat a bevy of health issues, including hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke and even erectile dysfunction. For young and old men alike, smoking can ruin their erectile capacity because of the damaged arteries and lowered serotonin levels in the body. Men looking to quit smoking and regain their erectile capacity can find all-natural means for helping reduce the cravings of nicotine.

Never Too Late to Quit

Acupuncture, homeopathic and herbal formula are very affordable and effective means for kicking the habit. Also, the additional benefit of detoxification from natural therapy and formula would help to eliminate the toxins from the body! Below is a list of all-natural approaches used for helping you kick the habit.

Ear Acupuncture*****Suitable for light and very heavy smokers
Low cost. $25-$55
No side effects
Quick results

Only experienced or special acupuncturists can guarantee results

Natural Remedy****Natural & safe
No side effects


Behavior Modification Program***Provides emotional support
Suitable for both light & heavy smokers
Some employers or insurance pays for them

Very pricey ($75-$135)
Time Intensive

Nicotine Patch***Worn on the arm for 16-24 hours a day
Very convenient

Skin may become irritated
$50 for a 2 week supply

Nicotine Gum***Suitable for who get lots of intense urges, tailor the dosage
Very convenient and portable

You can't chew gum all day long, otherwise you will have jaw pain
Indulgent yourself with nicotine can make you sick

Breathing Techique***Natural & safe

Need to consult experienced experts

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GuideID: 62126

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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