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Sex Position: On Your Mark, Set, Go!
On Your Mark, Set, Go! will require some stretching on your part ladies, but women who can manage touching their toes for extend periods will enjoy the potential of this position. And thanks to the different angle, ladies will experience a sensation like never before.

The safest place to attempt On Your Mark, Set, Go! will be on the floor. Shower and bed scenes for this position will prove cumbersome—and dangerous.

Why He’ll Love It:
Imagine your partner thrusting and stimulating all the right angles from this position. If you love your G-spot stimulated, then you’ll love the potential of this position. However, your man will need to be a bit bigger to make you really go crazy.

Why He’ll Love It:
Gentlemen, you’ll be in control. And with this position, you need to ensure your partner is the right height for you to perform the moves. If she’s too tall (or small), she may need to make some adjustments. But still, you will love how great penetration feels while your partner bends down to touch her toes.

About This Position:
Sex Position Number: 2
Difficulty: For Experienced Couples
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her:  Medium
Not Suitable For: Weak Erections and Performance Anxiety
Other positions you may like: Uh, Taxi!
Ideal Penis Size:  5 inches +
Stamina Required: Medium
Flexibility Required: Medium

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Views: 290

GuideID: 61843

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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