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Frequent Trips to the Restroom: Not Just a "Normal Part of Aging"

More and more, ongoing medical advancements and an increased knowledge of human biology are redefining how we view the aging process. Familiar health conditions that were once widely considered inevitable symptoms of age are now being investigated, treated, and in a few cases, prevented.

The gradual loss of bladder control, which some still dismiss as a normal part of getting old, is most likely related to an underlying health issue that needs proper attention.    

As men approach their senior years, they may notice an increase in how often they need to visit the bathroom. Some suffer from nighttime urges that interrupt sleep, or even uncontrollable incidents during every day life that cause them to stain their clothing with urine (urinary incontinence).

The severity of these symptoms can range from annoying and inconvenient to a hygiene hazard, as well as a source of extreme humiliation. Although urinary problems are common later in life, they could be the result of Overactive Bladder, a condition that is often linked with a decline in prostate health in men.

Prostate Enlargement and the Bladder

Bladder strength frequently decreases with age in both men and women, and approximately one in six men in the United States experience urinary incontinence. Although there are several conditions that cause overactive bladder, it is a mistake to attribute them to normal symptoms of advancing age. A common cause for overactive bladder in men aged 55 and older is prostate enlargement.

Prostate enlargement occurs in most men as they age, and may affect women as well. Around 45 percent of men show symptoms of the condition. Men are more likely to develop health concerns caused by prostate enlargement, since women's prostates are generally less developed than men's and far less likely to produce semen.

Although the cause of prostate growth is uncertain, it may be related to the changes in estrogen and testosterone levels in the body that occur during late adulthood. Since the prostate sits around the urethra, severe growth can have several different affects on bladder strength and the process of urination.

In addition to overactive bladder, urinary pain (disuria), and other urinary problems, prostate enlargement may cause an array of other symptoms in affected men. The same hormonal changes implicated in prostate growth also cause a higher ratio of DHT, which binds to testosterone and can lead to erectile problems.

Prostate enlargement also affects levels of enzymes that may be related to ejaculation control and premature ejaculation.

How to Regain Bladder Control

You don't have to live with overactive bladder symptoms just because you aren't as young as you used to be. Fortunately, several natural options are available for regulating prostate health and moderating overactive bladder symptoms. Reducing the symptoms of overactive bladder is sometimes as simple as a few lifestyle changes. Exercise causes the body to process waste more efficiently, and so does limiting your alcohol and caffeine intake.

If you are able, avoid medicines that constrict muscles around the bladder, such as antihistamines and decongestants. You can also actively treat urinary problems caused by prostate enlargement using this Natural Remedy for Overactive Bladder and Urinary Health, which includes a variety of medicinal herbs that effectively promote prostate health and treat the symptoms of overactive bladder.

Say goodbye to urgent bathroom runs in the middle of the night!

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Views: 267

Ideas: Men's, Prostate Enlargement, DHT

GuideID: 60041

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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