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Shou Wu Herbs For Thinning Hair & Premature Gray Hair

Shou Wu Youthful Hair formula was based on the discovery of the Shou Wu herb, commonly known as “Fo Ti." The benefits of the Show Wu herb were uncovered thanks to the keen observation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine expert named Dr. Wang.
Dr. Wang sought out and met a legendary farmer named Mr. He, who was lost in a vast forest for years. When he finally reemerged, there was quite a noticeable and amazing change to his hair. It had turned from snow-white to shiny black. Mr. He told Dr. Wang that he had consumed roots of wild vine (Polygoni Multifori) to fend off starvation. Taking this revelation into consideration, Wang realized that by simply taking Shou Wu, men could reverse hair color. Dr. Wang found that by combining the science of acupuncture with Shou Wu, the potency and effect of the herbs were accelerated. But it would require many visits to the doctor for acupuncture procedures to reverse hair loss.
So Dr. Wang started blending Shou Wu with other tonifying herbs to accelerate the potency of herbal mixtures, maximizing ability to end premature gray hair.
Of course, the primary ingredient of Dr. Wang’s Shou Wu Remedy is Shou Wu (Fo Ti), so the formula is effective at helping many people with these hair conditions:

  • Prematurely gray hair
  • Excessive hair aging
 These healing herbs were inspired by the following formulas: 
Many TCM doctors have modified Dr. Wang’s original formula to treat additional symptoms. However three key ingredients in Dr. Wang’s original formula remain the same:
Fo Ti (Other names: Fleece Flower Root , Polygoni Multiflori, He Shou Wu)
Fo Ti is known for its many benefits. It nourishes blood vessels underneath the hair follicles to keep hair from falling out. It also strengthens liver and kidney functions, retains life essence and helps with the detox process.
Dong Quai (Other names: Angelica, Angelic Sinensis)
Dong Quai strengthens the stomach and spleen functions to prevent toxin buildups in the body. It is also known for increasing peripheral blood flow to the hair follicles and providing warmth to the limbs.

Depending on the severity, some Oriental Medicine Doctors would add Safflow into the formula. Safflower is known to invigorate the blood, promote Qi (Bioenergy) circulation, and move the Qi energy toward the head. Improved blood circulation can help bring the herbal nutrients to the dying hair follicles.
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Ideas: Men's , Over Masturbation, thinning hair

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