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When Should I Consider Penis Enlargement?
Thinking about penis enlargement? Join the club. Just about every guy you have ever met, from your third-grade teacher to your company supervisor, has considered the issue at one time. But it's one thing to look down in the shower and say, “Damn, I wish I had a bigger penis.” It's another thing to give the issue serious consideration and personal investment. Remember, almost every young boy dreams of flying planes, but very few actually take lessons. 

If you want your own plane flying higher, you need to ask yourself some important questions. After all, if you're going to devote the time and to spend the money to expand your penis like Pinocchio's nose (there's a Disney sequel you won't see anytime soon), you need to take a long, hard look (yes, I said it) and determine whether enlargement is really right for you.

Do You Really Need a Bigger Penis? 
I know, I know. This question is kind of ridiculous. It's like when you went shopping with your mom as a child, and she would ask, “Do you really need the sugary cereal?” Uh...yeah! But hear me out for a moment. The average penis size is 5.5 inches, but plenty of guys walking around with 6 or 7 inches between their legs, thinking that their size is insignificant. Perhaps the porn industry is partly to blame for this because it has led us to believe that 9 inches is the norm. Bear in mind that if your penis is too big, it can actually be painful and unpleasant for your partner. 
Do You Have Realistic Expectations? 
Safe and natural methods exist for penis enlargement, but if you expect to jump from 4 to 8 inches, I have news for you: it's not going to happen. Even the most effective methods may provide you with an additional one-and-a-half inches or a full two inches in rare cases. So if you're looking for a modest boost, help is available. But if you're looking to go from Bruce Banner to the Incredible Hulk, good luck. You'd have a better chance of actually meeting the Avengers. 
Have You Experienced Penile Injuries or Birth Defects?
As the International Society for Sexual Medicine has noted, the penis will sometimes shrink or lose its natural size due to tissue damage, nerve damage or a pre-existing condition. When these issues occur, it's completely understandable that a man would seek solutions to establish or to restore his size. What causes this type of penile injury? Penis abuse, heavy masturbation, dangerous penis stretching exercises, and even certain high-risk sexual positions. Yes, that reverse cowgirl position feels amazing, until the cowgirl breaks the mechanical bull. 
Are You Having Difficultly Satisfying Your Partner? 
If your partner continually checks the clock as you hammer away like the Casanova that you are, you're probably not rocking her world. In some instances, limited penis size can make experiencing pleasure difficult for a woman. And while you're trying your best, she remains as dry as the Sahara. Your penis size may be the culprit, or you may just need to work on your rhythm. 
Okay, So Now What? 
Maybe none of these scenarios apply to you. Maybe you just want a bigger penis for the simple reason that you want a bigger penis. Hey, that's completely respectable too. Fortunately, natural ways can promote increased size. Nourishing herbs like Tongkat Ali, Morinda Root, Epimedium and Schizandra boost natural growth hormones like HGH, while stimulate blood flow to stretch and to expand the penis to its maximum length and width. So whether you're looking to reverse the effects of penile damage or to be the most enviable guy in the locker room, the key is to stick with natural solutions. Stay away from the pumps, clamps and other dangerous foreign objects, and your penis will thank you. 

Let the Herballove Community Help You
  • If you share, we will care. By sharing your details and concerns, our experienced members provide answers, advice and solutions to your (issue) problems.
  • A 28-year-old has successfully increased the length of his penis, and now his girlfriend wants him to work on making it thicker. Is it possible? Can he bulk up without losing the hard-earned new length? If you want to increase your size, learn how. For more diet tips, techniques and methods for girth enlargement...Case#1231
  • He’s 38, and he’s had plenty of lovers. Now in his prime, he wants to increase his penis size to provide his partner with a more satisfying experience. If you’re interested too, find out how you can benefit from a boost to your length...Case#1572
  • One man over 50 wants to enlarge his penis without the use of pills. If you’re over 50, traditional penile pills may not work for you, but you can try these techniques to improve your size. For improved results, diet and lifestyle habits..Case#1232
  • Penile girth growth technique rejuvenated the damaged penile tissues and nerves helping him gained back the erection firmness and morning erection...Case#44544
  • My wife said her long finger can reach the damned G-Spot better than my penis. Her G-spot is very deep within and she got a freakingly long finger too...Case#25602
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GuideID: 60893

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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