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Sex Position: Rainy Season

This position is designed to provide males with hand pleasure. Ideally performed in the shower, women will stand the man to stroke his penis. Now while it may seem simple and generic, Rainy Season allows couples to improve their intimacy factor before intercourse begins. Now ladies, you may need to ease off a bit as the added water and strokes will make your man pop sooner rather than later. Still, if shower sex proves enjoyable—especially for women suffering from vaginal dryness—this position may be beneficial.

Why She’ll Love It:

You’re in command. Men control the boardroom; you control the bedroom—at least the shower anyways. If your man starts to lose strength during sex, a nice shower getaway can really improve his stiffness. And if he suffers from the occasional bout of youth impotence, a nice shower can improve his desires. Sure this position may not provide much stimulation for you, but you can’t be selfish during sex.

Why He’ll Love It:

Masturbation is fun, but having your partner perform the strokes, well, that’s just exhilarating. Best part, if you orgasm during the shower foreplay, you can easily wipe away the mess. And thanks to the constant wetness factor, you’ll feel extra pleasure while she grips your mushroom tip. Sure she may be tight down there, but her karate grip is even tighter.

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 23
Difficulty: For Novice Couples
Pleasure for Him: Medium
Pleasure for Her:  Low
Not Suitable For:  Males who experience weak erections or leaky penises
Other positions you may like: Open Season
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: N/A
Flexibility Required:  N/A

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Views: 338

GuideID: 58791

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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