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Why You Should Start Pressing Pause On Clicking The Button On Your Vibrator
Like many women on this green earth, I love a little 'me time' every once and a while. Over the years, I've realized that no matter how good the lover, I will forever be the only person who can click the pleasure button just right, and in a timely manner. One of my most prized possessions just happens to be my vibrator.
Pleasurable Moments
Unfortunately, we can't spend countless hours buzzing away in our bedrooms. We have things like families, significant others, and pesky jobs. Don't get me wrong, all of these things deserve our undivided attention, but they're not the only reason why you should keep the clicking to a minimum.
Bad Vibrations
Though getting your buzz on with your favorite vibrator every now and then is perfectly fine, using a vibrator and other sex toys to an excessive amount can be harmful. When we use these types of tools to the point of exhaustion, it can easily lead to vaginal inflammation and desensitization of the clitoris. This occurs because the constant vibrations end up damaging the clitoral, and vaginal tissues over time. The damage will usually cause inflammation, and the inflammation causes the lack of sensitivity in the affected area.
Excessive masturbation can also cause drainage of the neurotransmitters dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and GABA. When the body is lacking these essential neurotransmitters, it can do some serious damage to the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal function. If this function is harmed in any way, the ovaries will become blocked, and stress hormone levels will be elevated.
Rise Above The Pain
A good rule of thumb that I like to follow when it comes to clicking my own button is, 'Never exceed three after twenty-one.' Engaging in self pleasuring acts more than three times a week with a vibrator, after you've passed the pubescent stage of life would be considered vibrator abuse. If this kind of vaginally abusive behavior sounds familiar to you, I would definitely recommend taking a much needed break from the good vibrations.
I would also recommend utilizing a natural remedy, which includes herbs such as Fenugreek. When combined with other herbs like Wild Yam, Ashwagandha, Black Cohosh, and Psoralea, the Fenugreek can help simulate clitoral tissue rejuvenation. (TRY: Vaginal Restoration & Repair Formula) It is able to do this because it aids blood circulation specifically to the genitals. When the blood circulation is increased, the clitoris, G-spot, and vagina are easily able to engorge.
In addition to vibrator damage, you could also be experiencing the same symptoms for a different reason. Studies have shown that some women begin to feel the effects of their birth control through vaginal and clitoral insensitivity. If this occurs, I would definitely suggest getting off of whatever form of birth control you are on, and contacting your doctor immediately. Do not let these symptoms go unnoticed. It is possible, that the only action needed to take place, is a lower dosage of your birth control.
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Views: 301

Ideas: vibrator damage, Clicking, Vibrator

GuideID: 58849

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