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Aztec Secret Formulation for Urinary & Prostate Control

Weak Bladder, Enlarged Prostate, Unsustainable Erection
These days, busy people are often rushing and hustling about. Even when they go to the bathroom they hurry, and often don’t even empty their bladder completely. Talk about being in a rush! If you are one of these people, you should consider taking a few extra minutes to relax physically. Wait a few seconds after urinating, and make sure there is no more pee to release.

Often times there will be, so by simply being patient, you’ll have a longer interval between trips to the bathroom. The problem of insufficient urinary control is nothing new, but unsustainable erection at night horrified many men. Don’t worry, Ancient Aztec Shamen had figured out a solution for it long ago.

What It Is Formulated To Do:

Help to sustain longer erection
Restorative approach to fix aged bladder tissues
Reduce DHT level & improve prostate health
Increase nitric oxide naturally to last longer during intercourse
Beneficial for men undergone prostate surgery or vasectomy

Aztec Healing
The Ancient Aztecs had prepared pumpkin seeds in such a manner that the end product could effectively be used as a treatment of bladder, kidney, and digestive problems. There are two components to the pumpkin seed extracts: water-soluble essence extracts and fat-soluble extracts.

The phytochemicals in the two are different. Ancient Aztec Medicine Healers have guarded the seed preparation process as top secret, and through time it was passed down only to the oldest male descendants.

How Herbs Work Together

Healing herbs in this formula contain the healthy water-soluble components of hard shell winter squash seeds (water soluble pumpkin seeds), flax seeds, Dianthus, Juncus, Patrinia Herb, Quercetin, and Achyranthes Root.

Potent herbs in this formula have been known to regulate testosterone levels to prevent the hormone from converting into the hyper-activated form of DHT, which stimulates abnormal prostate growth and weakens pelvic floor and bladder sphincter muscles.

Kegel Helps

If your overactive bladder problem is not severe, practicing the Kegel exercise can be beneficial in strengthening the pelvic floor and P.C. muscles. But if your bladder is too overactive, you should take this formula to make sure the proper nutritional supplements are helping you rejuvenate before you start the Kegel exercise, otherwise you may further weaken the P.C. muscle and ejaculation valve and cause premature ejaculation.

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Views: 661

Ideas: Men's ,Prostate Enlargement,DHT

GuideID: 59922

Guide Type: Solutions

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