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Of Potbellies and Passion – Low Sex Drive Caused by Abdominal Obesity
Do a little research about abdominal obesity and you’ll find that the extra poundage isn’t the only, or even the most threatening problem. Associated with the condition is a long list of what are called comorbidities, health problems caused or worsened by obesity.

These problems include:
  • Heart disease
  • Liver disease
  • Mood disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Cancer
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Type II diabetes
You probably know of the more notorious comorbidities, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, but there is another that you don’t often see listed: low sex drive. Low testosterone and abdominal obesity are two of those conditions that unfortunately reinforce one another.
Chicken or the Egg?
Which came first—the obesity or the low testosterone? The answer isn’t as philosophically vexing as that famous causality dilemma concerning the origins of our favorite fried bird. In fact, most scientists agree that the problem originates with obesity, resulting in low testosterone. 
A prominent enzyme in fat tissues called aromatase converts testosterone into estradiol. As fat tissues grow, aromatase concentrations rise, as well. Higher aromatase levels convert more testosterone to estradiol and the depleted testosterone levels lead to less energy, which effects more obesity and lowers libido.
Reviving Your Libido
You might be reading this and saying, “Yeah, yeah. I’ve tried diet and exercise and still can’t lose weight and my sex drive is running on fumes!” 
The cycle can be extremely difficult to break free of because the battle is one fought by hormones and can’t be won on a treadmill. By addressing the problem for what it is, i.e. a hormonal one, you’ll find that you are actually able to make some headway and enjoy a healthy libido once again.
There are a number of natural male libido supplements and pills that can help you get back on track. Traditional Chinese Medical textbooks tell of herbs that can rejuvenate and stimulate the body’s most important reservoir: the Shaoyin-K Bioenergy Channel, or what Western medicine calls the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis. 
This formula of herbs is designed to increase your levels of testosterone. It will also:
  • Increase blood circulation to the penile tissue
  • Boost sex drive and blood flow for sustaining an erection for longer
  • Prevent excessive DHT conversion that can lead to decreased sexual function. 
Herbs like Curculigo can enhance erectile capacity while Cnidium can increases longevity and stamina in men. Other ingredients, such as Cuscuta, can improves the production of nitric oxide synthase, a necessary enzyme for achieving a harder and fuller erection.

These herbs can help you break free of the self-propagating obesity and low testosterone cycle.

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GuideID: 62375

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