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Male Infertility
Testicular Pain & Injury
Penis Pain & Injury
Low Sex Drive
Over Masturbation
Weak Erection
Prostate Enlargement
Premature Ejaculation
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12/15/2023 1:08:00 PM
Harmony Qi Gong For Women
12/15/2023 1:16:00 PM
5-HTP From Griffonia Seeds Can Stymie Your Ejaculations
Blood in Semen - Caused by Over Masturbation
OM Guide
Sex Position: Shotgun!
Ian Kane
John and Nancy had been steady sex partners for quite some time. They got along well; she didn’t nag him about their sexual relationship being anything other than what it was, and he would give her screaming orgasms frequently.
One day Nancy wanted to hook up but John was unavailable. He stayed unavailable for several weeks, which was unusual. She went into stalker mode and lay in wait outside of his apartment. When he came out, she rushed up to him.
That Conversation
“Hi…where have you been I’ve been calling you,” she said.
“Uh…I’ve been busy, just taking care of some work and just haven’t had a lot of time.”
She looked concerned. “So are we still seeing each other? What’s really wrong?”
“Okay, well I know my penis size isn’t the greatest so I got a penis pump and I’ve been using it for a while now. It broke my junk!”
“Oh, that’s what’s been going on. Well thanks for telling me, goodbye!”
John and Nancy had been steady sex partners for quite some time. They got along well; she didn’t nag him about their sexual relationship being anything other than what it was, and he would give her screaming orgasms frequently.
One day Nancy wanted to hook up but John was unavailable. He stayed unavailable for several weeks, which was unusual. She went into stalker mode and lay in wait outside of his apartment. When he came out, she rushed up to him.
That Conversation
“Hi…where have you been I’ve been calling you,” she said.
“Uh…I’ve been busy, just taking care of some work and just haven’t had a lot of time.”
She looked concerned. “So are we still seeing each other? What’s really wrong?”
“Okay, well I know my penis size isn’t the greatest so I got a penis pump and I’ve been using it for a while now. It broke my junk!”
“Oh, that’s what’s been going on. Well thanks for telling me, goodbye!”
Ian Kane
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
What Turn Ons Make You Want to Ejaculate? What Would You Vote? Comment Below A. Her licking t
11/19/2023 2:59:00 PM
Sexless Wife = Much Strife
Kate Gorrell**
11/19/2023 3:21:00 PM
<p>. "Alcohol is man's greatest enemy, but according to the Bible, men should know thy
ET cetera
11/19/2023 3:22:00 PM
I Have A Complete Clitoral Desensitization Due to Excessive Masturbation In My Teens
Kate Gorrell--
11/19/2023 3:04:00 PM
Vaginal Discharge that Interferes with Sex Could be the Result of Off-Kilter Hormones and Neurotrans
Jean Dohm-
Date Killers – Top 5 Ways to Flat line a Sex Prospect
11/19/2023 3:17:00 PM
Sea Mussel
11/19/2023 3:11:00 PM
Anal Breathing Exercise: Avoiding A Hormone Build Up
Steve Sun
Male Orgasmic Disorder - Caused by Low Sex Drive
Nutrients that Boost Female Fertility
Constantly Hard Means Too Much Fun
Aaron Deng

Premature Ejaculation - Caused by Weak P.C. Muscle

Sex Position: Let’s Talk Fantasy
Male Overactive Bladder - Caused by Prostate Enlargement
Your Guide to Prostate Enlargement