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Pain and No Gain – Soft Erections Due to Penis Pumps

This case involves a man that has been using a penis pump and has pumped his poor member into oblivion. What are the negative impacts of these harmful devices, and more importantly, how can you reverse their negative effects?

Case #: 965


Well I used to vacuum pump, till I started losing my erection power. As a result of too much pumping on high levels for hours at a time I believe I damaged my penis. It just hangs like a big chunk of meat. I need it to get hard again and at least get hard if a woman expresses her body to me.

Bottom line my penis is limp. I used to have a rock hard 8 inch penis now it skinny and 7 inches. I could touch my fingers around it, before I couldn’t do that. How do I get back my fat long penis? I thought by turning up the level on the vacuum pump I would have the longest penis around, boy was I wrong.


A few weeks ago, I was in a big cleaning frenzy. I mopped, waxed, dusted, and vacuumed my living areas halfway to death. Well, not literally, but you get what I’m saying.

Pumping Gone Wrong

After lifting up the couch seat cushions I was amazed to find out how filthy the whole area underneath them had become. No problem; I took off the attachment on the end of the vacuum so that there was just that long, silver dollar-sized tube for more suction power and went to town, easily sucking up all that dust and grime. I remember thinking to myself “Wow! That would suck if I got something on my body stuck in there, especially my Mr. Happy. How would I ever explain that to the doctor if by way of some freak accident, I did?” Up until now, I hadn’t connected the dots about this actually happening to men, but it does; every day, of every month, of every year…the cause? The dreaded penis pump!

In the age old quest for many men to have a larger penis, various methods have been tried, some more ridiculous than others. The vacuum penis pump is a perfect example of one such method. Similar to an actual vacuum, a penis pump uses a motor that creates a powerful suction, and when its cylindrical tube is placed over your penis, sucks blood into your penis, creating an artificial erection.

Why do I say artificial? Because instead of using your body’s natural chemical reactions to promote an erection, i.e. your brain firing off neurotransmitters which in turn release sex hormones, what you’re getting is merely blood pumped into your member; creating a fake one. This can not only cause ruptured blood vessels, pain, and bruising, but can severely damage your penile nerve fibers and synapsis, leading to soft erections. So how do we turn around on this downward path?

Need a New Door Jam?

Stop using that vacuum on your penis. Place it on your coffee table or something; at least then it could be useful as a point of conversation, etc. Rest for a few days and let your penis take a break and heal a little bit.

If you’d like to really boost your healing process, taking a natural herbal formula can really help. These powerful mixtures synergize within your body, and promote not only soft tissue rejuvenation and building, but also repair of your damaged nerve endings and fibers, and therefore mitigating any pain and discomfort caused by the penis pump. (SEE: Penile Nerve & Injury Repair Formula) They can also restore proper neurotransmitter production, as well as your body’s nitric oxide. So, instead of waking up with penile pain, you’ll have those natural morning erections once again, as well as normal erectile strength in general.

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