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She has experienced great orgasms ever since she first met her husband. Now, after going on birth control, her orgasms have diminished in quantity and quality. She wants to get back to her old ways, but wonders how.
Case #: 1406

After meeting my husband 3 years ago we had the best mind-blowing sex in the world. I knew that I didn't want to have sex with anyone else but him. I do have a problem. I recently went on birth control. Ever since I did that I noticed that I don't orgasm as frequently as I used to. I want to be able to experience the mind-blowing orgasms that I once used to when we were first married.

Unfortunately, the problem you are describing is a common on for females on hormonal birth control. It’s a peculiar reaction between your body and the hormones you’re taking in, a phenomenon that has been scientifically documented, but seems to have no rhyme or reason in why it occurs in specific women.
Not Natural

The issue is that whilst taking hormonal birth control, certain women begin having an increase in their levels of prolactin. Now, prolactin is not a hormone normally present in the female body, other than directly following orgasm, and while breastfeeding. Its mechanism of action is of diminishing sexual pleasure and creating an aversion to the sex act. It also has an inverse relationship with the hormone oxytocin, which is the hormone necessary for female orgasm.
While you might not be feeling the full effects of excess prolactin, the experience increases over time if the problem isn’t dealt with. Prolactin and estrogen also have an inverse relationship, which is why it might seem unusual that you’re having this problem at all—given that most hormonal birth control contains estrogen. The problem is that your body accepts the imported estrogen as it’s new basal level and doesn’t bother creating more, a method that results in an estrogen deficiency.
Unbalanced and Feeling It

Without proper estrogen levels in your body, prolactin levels seem to increase and increase. This means you might be having fewer orgasms, or having issues with vaginal dryness, or be less interested in sex. As I mentioned above, all of these issues will increase and exacerbate over time if hormonal equilibrium is not reestablished.
Recovering Your Love Life

How can you get back to having a happy, healthy sex life? You must begin a method of treatment that will increase the estrogen in your body. Tipping the scales back in estrogen’s favor will restore your sexual enjoyment, and give you back those orgasms you’ve been looking for.
I recommend beginning an herbal formula designed to help your body to remove the excess prolactin. (TRY: Natural Formula for Orgasm Intensification) Your body knows the prolactin isn’t supposed to be there; boosting your body with some detoxifiers, combined with increasing your estrogen, will have you feeling better in no time. This remedy contains herbs that promote healthy purification, such as Dong Quai and Pygeum. It also contains multiple herbs to help with stabilizing your hormones: Mexican Wild Yam, Passion Flower, Epimedium, and Yohimbe.
I hope you soon find your way back to those old orgasms you used to have!

What to do

ViaPal-hGH-E Formula For Excessive Vaginal Discharge & Orgasm Dysfunctions
ViaPal-hGH-E Formula, formulated by Newman Lin of the Lin Institute, helps women recover from various sexu

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Views: 228

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 58571

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