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The Twitch Factor – When Too Much Whacking Leads to Adrenal Fatigue

This man may appear to be pop-locking/break dancing, but he’s actually suffering from tremors. What is causing this and how can he rectify it?

Case #: 1863


Hi there – I have been under a lot of stress lately and so have been masturbating a little too much lately and now I’m feeling tired and irritable. If that wasn’t enough, I’m getting these weird twitches and tremors after each of my jack-off sessions.

What can I do to not only calm my nerves (and overall stress and anxiety levels) but also put a halt to the annoying tremors? Need your help! Thanks.


Think about it for a moment; we as humans who live in modern societies have come so far from being sun worshipers. The most ancient cultures starting with the first one in Egypt, bowed down to the sun, and their most prized god, Ra, was known as the “Sun God.” This is all very understandable, as the sun gives us warmth, allows growth, and basically keeps our locked Earth into orbit around it.

The sun is also undergoing a constant state of nuclear fusion in which it converts hydrogen nuclei into helium. This uber-powerful chemical reaction is impressive in its vast scale, since the sun is over one million times the size of the Earth. That’s a pretty big reactor up there in the sky, so huge that if you stare at it for too long, your retinas will become singed!

Little Piece of the Sun

Interestingly enough, every time that a man gets aroused, whether through watching porn, fantasizing about that hot new young temp at work, masturbating, or simply having sex with a partner, he is creating his own little complex chemical reaction.

When a man gets excited, tiny signals travel along neural pathways from the brain to the groin region, telling it to get his penis erect for some hanky-panky. Testosterone and other androgen hormones fire up Mr. Happy and you little guy down there becomes a big guy (hopefully).

Too much of any of the aforementioned activities can result in the release of too much dopamine which in turn can cause adrenaline to flood the body. This can place a man in a constant fight or flight state of stress and cause a spike in prostaglandin E-2.

When prostaglandin E-2 reaches a certain flashpoint, it ignites and can trigger inflammation throughout the entire pelvic cavity, including the prostate, testicles, and penis. This sexually exhausted state can also cause uncontrollable tremors which can have you looking like you’re an extra on the set of the movie “Breakin’” from the 80s.

Nipping it in the Bud

If you’re serious about getting rid of those pesky tremors, consider taking a potent botanical mixture in order to help you recover. (TRY: Natural Herbal Remedy for Sexual Exhaustion Recovery) Herbs such as Panax Ginseng, extracts of Rhodiola, and Turmeric Root, can alleviate chronic stress levels and calm overactive nerves and nervous processes.

They can rejuvenate your body from within, and since they’re all natural, there are no side-effects, unlike traditional pharmaceutical medications. This condition may seem like little issue right now, but if it is not taken care of now and resolved, more serious states of sexual exhaustion (and their requisite symptoms) are waiting for you down the line. Take care of your body and re-regulate its chemical processes before it gets out of hand and goes supernova on you!

What to do

Herbal Remedy For Sexual Exhaustion & Dysfunction

Sexual exhaustion caused by over masturbation or ejaculation resulted in devastating effect of chronic overexposure of cortisol. Prolonged cortisol elevations result in suppression of immune system, sustained elevations of blood sugar, substantial...

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Views: 229

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 60812

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