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Using More Than One Condom Because of PE? Read This To Save Yourself Some Money

Want to know how to control premature ejaculation? It drives me crazy all ways stopping to take off a condom and put another on!

Case #: 26757


I want to know how to control premature ejaculation. It drives me crazy having to always stop to take off a condom and put another on! Sometimes, I try to put on two condoms to decrease the sensitivity. My wife loses interest in me because of this and I feel like I'm going to lose her because she always gets turned off by it. Can you help me with solutions and methods or something? Please. I don't want to lose my wife over this!


The effectiveness of using multiple condoms to delay ejaculation is a common myth. It does not help you in the long run. An inappropriate use of condoms can result in their ineffectiveness.

If you have a hard erection, the PE problem is probably caused by excessive and over-produced testosterone in the prostate tissues. Either that, or it could be the over-development of the testosterone receptors in the prostate tissues that is due to over-masturbation or over-ejaculation. In either case, the over stimulation of the prostate by excessive testosterone and its byproduct DHT will force the pituitary to produce too much of the orgasm hormone Oxytocin from your pituitary, resulting in the issues you are dealing with.

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Views: 208

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 61527

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