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Oldies with Woodies – Erectile Injuries in Middle Age

At 58 years old, he was experiencing soft erections, and it all started with some misguided penis exercises. Read the cautionary tale, and find out how to improve your erection quality at any age.

Case #: 1559


I am a 58 year old man and a couple of years ago I started to notice a decrease in the ability to hold an erection. I started to do some penile exercises that were supposedly going to make my penis grow larger but instead it seems like I have achieved nothing but scar tissue damage which has caused my ability to achieve an erection to diminish. This is very troubling to me and after discovering this website and reading, I figured I could have avoided this if I would've found it sooner. I just want to be as firm as I once was.


Let's play Sherlock Holmes for a minute. You're getting older, your body isn't as resilient as it used to be, and now you find yourself plagued by soft erections and penis injury. We could blame the problem on Professor Moriarty, but I believe this case is easily solved, even without the sarcastic barbs of Dr. Watson.

You're getting older, and your hormones aren't available in the ample supply that they once were, and what's worse, you're subjecting your body to unnatural resistance which inevitably contributes to tissue damage. Aggressive penis exercises are always a huge mistake, but fortunately, this sordid tale has not yet reached its final chapter, and we can still give it a happy ending, no matter how formidable the villain may seen.

The Dangers of Penis Exercises

Not only are penile exercises ineffective, but they can cause severe inflammation, collagen scarring and destruction of the nerves, tissues and blood vessels. In great works of literature, there is always an outside villain creating conflict, but in real life, we tend to be our own worst enemies.

Whether it's the temptation to improve our penis size or increase our stamina, many of us make the mistake of abusing our penises to great detriment. Scar tissue leads to plaque buildup, and that blocks the flow of blood from entering the chambers of your penis for a healthy erection. But you have already realized the dangers; now it's time to reclaim control. Stop the stretches if you haven't already done so, and take steps to repair the damage.

Restoring Penile Tissue

I'm going to recommend a ViaPal-hGH-D formula for injury reversal. These concoctions contain targeted herbs like Cnidium, Epimedium and Gotu Kola, which work to dissolve plaque, repair tissue and improve blood flow to the penis. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Erection Restoration & Recovery) Depending on the amount of damage, this formula may take a bit of time to work, but before too long, you should begin to notice that old black magic once again.

At 58 years old, you can still have an exciting sex life. You don't have to leave the party and surrender yourself to mediocre nights in front of the TV watching Jeopardy and the Wheel. With this formula, you can feel like your old self again. Just be patient, be diligent, and be gentle with your penis. After all, it has been your best friend for 58 years.

What to do

ViaPal-hGH-D Penile Injury Remedy For Harder Erection Recovery

ViaPal-hGH-D formula is a multi-functional, restorative formula suitable for repai

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Views: 238

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60874

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