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Starve Your Skin, Feel The Burn

You know about the 'birds and the bees', but no one ever said anything about three-day-long bouts of burning or cutting sensations a day after sex. What's going on? Does it have anything to do with her vestibulitis surgery? And most importantly, can she fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!
Case #: 1822

After intercourse -- like the day after -- I have a burning sensation in my vaginal opening that lasts for 3 days. Please note, during sex I experience no pain. I have had surgery for vestibulitis.

Statistically speaking, vestibulitis accounts for at least one gynecological complaint in ten, possibly even more. But that's nowhere near as important as the incredible pain it causes: the chronic physical pain can lead to emotional anguish when it won't stop, and the best source of comfort causes even more agony. Fortunately, medical science has discovered treatments that produce relief. Unfortunately, the methods are still not quite perfect.
Case in point: yours. After what was probably a fairly expensive surgical procedure and a very uncomfortable recovery period, you may have discovered evidence that something didn't go according to plan. Let's take a look at your skin from the inside, to see how it works and what might be going wrong.
Your Skin's Condition

Every part of your body requires hormones to respond to changing conditions, and your skin is no exception. Among the dozen or more involved when you have intercourse, some very specific ones have particular bearing on your situation: prostaglandin e-1 is what allows your skin to “snap back” after it has been stretched; testosterone assists in tissue-regeneration and bone growth (you may not have as much as the man next door, but you do have some); and dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA, which is a building-block for testosterone and estrogen.
During intercourse, the skin of your vagina will get stretched and possibly abraded. Your body can recover from these injuries within a day or so, with you none the wiser, but only if the tissue-healing hormones and nutrients can actually get to the damaged areas. If the blood vessels supplying those parts of your skin are damaged or completely blocked, the damage will not get repaired, and you'll feel the pain you describe.
Scars Run Deep

These hormones are manufactured in the parts of your genitals that were affected by your vestibulitis, and scarring from your surgery may have decreased your body's ability to manufacture them. It's almost certain that the blood circulation through the affected areas has been decreased, which means that whatever remains of your body's supply of these hormones can't get to where it's needed. Fortunately, there are methods of removing scars that do not involve additional surgeries.
Restoring Circulation and Suppleness

An all-natural herbal supplement can give you relief. (TRY: Vaginal Pain Restoration and Relief Formula) The main benefit to your situation is that it will assist in increasing your prostaglandin e-1 production, which will allow your skin to recover from intercourse-caused stretching more comfortably, as well as gradually dissolving the scar tissue. Once that's gone and your blood vessels have been restored to their normal state, you should notice a significant reduction of your pains, if not eliminating them completely.
I recommend that you keep your health-care provider informed about your symptoms, so you can get a trained expert's help in monitoring your progress. Rebuilding tissue like this will take time, but a professional's assistance will keep it from taking more time than necessary. Good luck!

What to do

Vaginal RH Formula I - Vaginal Regeneration & Hormonal Realignment For Intercourse Pain

Taking hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, patches, injections, and vaginal rings, can cause intercourse pain for many women. Symptoms from prescription and infertility drugs may also contribute. . Liver strengthening and...

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Views: 241

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 59020

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