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Recover from Masturbation Addiction in 2 Months

He is healing well from the effects of over-masturbating, and he wishes to incorporate the anal breathing method into his sexual routine.

Case #: 44451


I had made a great improvement by not masturbating for the last 2 weeks. Masturbation is an addicted “hobby” since I was 12 years old. After taking the products recommend in Mind Restoration & Addiction Control Solution for 2 months, most of the aching are gone and no more urge to piss. I also have calmed my nerves and am able to resist masturbating, before I used to do it every night. My erection is still weak. Is Anal Breathing a good solution for me?


I'm glad to hear that you're recovering from the effects of over-masturbating, which included prostate problems. As for anal breathing, it is specifically designed to help you to improve erection and experience intense orgasms & sexual pleasure.

Beginners should start with a simple "butt exercise." When you pee, apply light pressure to your bladder for expelling urine and at the same time lift your heels and ankles up; then squeeze your buttocks against your tailbone and anus to stop your peeing without contracting your prostate/PC muscles. Read further on the details on how to practice The Method of Anal Breathing.

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Blog ID: 58907

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