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Youth Impotence - Caused by Marijuana

marijuana is a very popular street drug of our young adult culture. Most young people commonly think of marijuana as a relatively harmless mood lifter and creativity enhancer, almost similar to smoking a cigar. However, marijuana can cause some serious side effects, wreaking havoc on the brain and nervous system and disrupting normal erections, even leading to youth impotence.

Weed Damage

Your blood vessels are the highways of life. These small, microscopic pathways help carry blood to organs, including the brain, penis and liver. Health issues, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure drugs can stymie the advancement of blood. Cholesterol can block the flow of blood, while high blood pressure medication can reduce the amount of blood pumped to blood-dependent organs.

So why is all this so important? Each puff of weed you ingest, your arteries constrict a tiny bit thanks to the elevated prostaglandin E2 molecules caused by the drug. For long-term abusers, the arteries become so constricted that blood cannot flow properly to the penis. Meanwhile, the liver sees a reduction in the nutrient production as well. When the liver cannot metabolize nutrients necessary for hormone production, a man can experience impotence. 

According to...

Medical research using Dynamic Penile Duplex Ultrasound (PDU), men who chronically use marijuana displayed a linked to impotence due to the damage to the penile endothelium vasodilation and dilatation of brachial arteries. Factors such as blood pressure, testosterone levels, prolactin level, estradiol level, LDL aand HDL cholesterol level have also been measured in studies. Dr. Aversa and his research team have concluded that, “early endothelial damage may be induced by chronic cannabis use (and endocannabinoid system activation).

” [1]

Interesting Fa

For younger users, marijuana can lead to an increase of panic attacks, depression, and performance anxiety that can result in both the poor quality of an erection and early ejaculation without any control. The frustration that comes with impotence and premature ejaculation creates a fear. Men who fear sex often experience further signs of impotence or premature ejaculation.

The herbs from Cannabis Detoxification For Poor Erection Recovery formula enhances the liver function of marijuana users to lower the stress hormones and start the rejuvenation process for recovery.


Interesting Fact

Recent animal experiments suggests that cannabinoids from Marijuana may be especially useful in treating the more difficult-to-control symptoms of nausea and anticipatory nausea in chemotherapy patients, which are less-well controlled by the currently available conventional pharmaceutical agents. [2]



  1. <a href="">;^Aversa A, Rossi F, Francomano D, Bruzziches R, Bertone C, Santiemma V, Spera G., Early endothelial dysfunction as a marker of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction in young habitual cannabis users., Int J Impot Res. 2008 Nov-Dec;20(6):566-73.

  2. ">;^Parker LA, Rock E, Limebeer C., Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids., Br J Pharmacol. 2010 Dec 22.

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Views: 417

Ideas: Men, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 59841

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