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VRD Formula II - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Vaginal Looseness

Loose vaginal sponge tissue or weak pelvic muscles can ruin a sexual experience. Men may feel displeased. Women may feel self-conscious.

Couples may stop having sex altogether. Vaginal tissue and pelvic muscles lose tone with age. Loss in muscle tone is normal.

Importance of Vaginal Tissue
What’s not normal is the hormone imbalances that cause muscle tone after a pregnancy. Because hormones alter circulation and blood flow to the vaginal tissues and associated nerves, women and their partners will feel less satisfaction.

Taking prescription drugs or birth control medicaitons for a prolong period of time can have tremendous impact on hormonal balance.

Residue breakdown from birth control pill's synthetic hormones can negatively damaged the health of vaginal tissues.

Damaged Clitoris Can Also Mean Bad News
Clitoris or vaginal tissues, which are aged or damaged, do not provide enough elasticity and lubrication to grip the shaft of the penis.

A youthful and tight vagina can grip the penis even with a small amount of lubrication. But chronic use of birth control pills or shots, and vibrators have damaged the neuro-endocrine system in the genital area of a woman.

Herbs from VRD Formula II work to reduce the vaginal orifice and increase vaginal tightness by:
  • Increasing the erectility of vaginal spongy tissues
  • Enhancing the elasticity of urethral-vaginal tissues
  • Improving the blood retention of corpus cavernosum clitoridis
  • Increasing the sensitivity of the vaginal nerve endings and vestibular bulb
Rehmannia Glutinosa, Dioscorea Opposita, Muira Puama, and Atractylodes Macrocephala, all found in this formula, provide essential hormonal nutrients, stimulate the production of DHEA and HGH, and enhance neurotransmitters for vaginal rejuvenation.

Bupleurum, Chinese Milk Thristle, and Chrysanthemum increase the liver and body’s detoxification process to expel toxin residue and metabolites caused by birth control medications.

Guarana seed, Tribulus terrestris, and Suma (Pfaffia Paniculata) increase peripheral vaginal and clitoral circulation to escalate the recovery process.
[More Details +]

Views: 197

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Looseness

Blog ID: 63729

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