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Crazy Never Ending UTI Makes Her Feel Like Living in Bondage

Her chronic over-masturbation with a massager and vibrator gave her symptoms of persistent sexual arousal and sexual exhaustion, including ear ringing, anxiety, stress, chronic UTI (urethral tract infection)

Case #: 42300


My boyfriend is a truck driver that drives a long distance across the states for the delivery. He got me a Magic Wand as a gift to kill off my spare time. I got addicted to it for years and apparently have persistent sexual arousal syndrome. So I can’t quit from using it. I read a post on the web about using Blood Type Diet to control the sexual urge and recover from my everlasting UTI. I tried for few months and didn’t seem to work. I read many postings about the pills affecting the hormones. It seems whenever I stop using it, my hormones are even more out whack and sometimes experiencing the same symptoms of ringing and crunching in the ear like many discussed in this site. Even worse, I start experiencing abdominal pain with severe feeling of pressure and bloating. In conjunction with the constant crazy re-occurring UTI, I feel like I'm living in bondage.


Your symptoms are the result of over-masturbation, excessive use of a vibrator, and overall sexual exhaustion. Since you have used vibrator abusively for years, you have done a major damage to your clitoral and vaginal nerve ending result in loss of sensitivity and making hard for you to reach orgasm even though you spent more time at stimulating.

Excessive use of a vibrator leads to overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. Since dopamine is the precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), excess dopamine results in the adrenal glands overproducing epinephrine and putting the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress. At the same time, norepinephrine is synthesized from dopamine and released from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol.

The hormone prostaglandin E-2, which serves an important function in sexual arousal, is also overproduced and has an inflammatory effect on the body, damaging tissues, nerves and joints, weakening immunity, making you more susceptible to UTI and various vaginal infections.

In order to reverse the ill-effects of over-masturbation, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish. Take cranberry and hisbiscus to overcome your UTI problems. Try herbs from Femme Recovery & Immune Enhancement Formula to help your boost your vaginal immunity, reduce stress hormones and balance various essential hormones.

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Views: 183


Blog ID: 62269

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