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Toxic Clouds – Marijuana Use and its Consequences

Here is a case involving a young man that has been huffing and puffing his life away with marijuana and cigarettes. We’re here to help and give him some healthy choices with regards to getting out of this noxious cloud of smoke.

Case #: 1142


I am 27 years old and have smoked cigarettes and cannabis since age of 14. I have had penile pain since age of 23. This includes ejaculation pain. In last 6 months I have also started suffering from eye floaters in both eyes mainly the left eye. I also get lightheadedness and suffer from anxiety and depression because of my eye floaters. I have seen specialists for both my eyes and penile pain and all say no problems and cannot help. Please help.


Unless one has been living in a cave in the mountains for a very long part of their life, I think we all know about the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes (lung cancer, etc.) Unfortunately, marijuana has risen to prominence as a “safe drug” that many people are now smoking, unaware of its many harmful properties. Look around; almost all rap videos feature some compromised “artist” glorifying the smoking of the drug, and like so many lemmings and groupies that follow these folks, they try to emulate the lifestyles of said rappers by blindly taking up the pipe or joint.

Bad, Bad Fumes

This adulation of marijuana is also seen in other sectors of our culture, such as many surfer, hippy, stoner communities…and beyond. Not only is the misinformation put out about this drug troubling, but many new recruits are drawn to it because of the mysterious lack of statistics with regards to the hazards of smoking weed.

If you do a little digging, you’ll find bonafide medical research studies concluding that marijuana can cause serious problems to your nervous system, brain chemistry, and sexual libido. And over time things just get worse. Every time that you blaze up this drug causes your blood vessels (from your tiny capillaries to your arteries) to constrict little by little, limiting your blood flow and circulation.

In addition to this, marijuana reduces the amount of vitamins and nutrients that your liver can take in and metabolize, which limits the amount of sexual hormones that it can in turn produce for sexual activity. Over the long term, this can even lead to impotence, even at a young age. Marijuana use can also cause your prostaglandin E-2 levels to shoot up and not only cause inflammation and pain, but can also interfere with the rods and cones within your irises and constrict your ocular nerves. So how do we cut through the smoke and mirrors?

Time for a Healthy Switch

You should seriously consider taking up other, healthier hobbies in the place of smoking not only marijuana, but cigarettes as well. There are many alternatives out there; patches, gum, etc. Getting into a fitness/cardio routine can also greatly help to promote blood vessel expansion and elasticity greatly.

You may also be interested in taking a natural herbal formula to aid you in your recovery process. The special properties contained within these powerful botanicals can start to address your problems simultaneously, such as reducing your prostaglandin E-2 levels, rebalancing your sex hormones back to stable levels (such as HGH, testosterone, dopamine, and serotonin), and calm your stress levels. *(SEE: Marijuana Detoxification and Restoration for Poor Erections) The reduction of E-2 will have you seeing more clearly and quash the genital pains you’re experiencing. So lift that veil of depression and let’s get you back to those sunny days again.

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观看次数: 219


笔记编号: 59546

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