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G-Spot Rejuvenation & Nerve Repair

Scar tissue, caused by vaginal tissue repair, affects the sensitivity of the G-spot, vagina, and clitoris. Vibrators, shower jets, or other sex toys can damage the vaginal tissue and nerve endings that are connected to the G-spot.

As part of the repair mechanism, scar formation will occur inside the vaginal lining, affecting blood circulation and reducing vaginal sensitivity.

The Dangers of Vaginal Scar Tissue
Damage to the clitoris and vagina also causes the body to produce proteins and enzymes, i.e., COX-1 and COX-2, which heals tissue and indirectly trigger the biosynthesis of prostaglandin E-2, a major component involved in vaginal epidermis repair (the “epidermis” is the outermost layer of cells in the skin).[1]
What’s in the Formula?
G-Spot Rejuvenation and Nerve Repair remedy contains Catuaba, Yohimbe, Cnidium Monnieri, Curculigo Ochioides, Lepidium meyenii (Maca), Morinda Officinalis, Tribulus Terrestris, Shilajit, Pyrola Calliantha, and Muira Puama.

An integrative and synergic blending of the herbs in a therapeutic ratio will have the following benefits:
  • Improved sexual pleasure by increasing sensory receptors and nerve endings
  • Increased blood circulation to the vaginal, clitoral, and G-Spot tissues
  • Engorged clitoris, vagina, and G-spot
  • Heightened sex drive and libido
  • Enhanced pleasure of intimacy with increased vaginal lubrication
Nerve ending rejuvenation and scar tissue require time to heal. Curculigo, Morinda, Pyrola, Muira Puama, and Shilajit come enriched with an herbal-mineral complex that provide an optimal recovery rate.

Famous for increasing the blood circulation, Catuaba and Yohimbe eliminate and replace the dissolved plaque or scar tissue from the G-Spot with new vaginal and clitoral tissues.

[More Details +]

Views: 195


Blog ID: 63730

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