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Herbal Tincture For Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are distortions in one's vision that appear as squiggly lines, unnatural shading, or cloudiness.  On

the surface, eye floaters appear to be problems strictly related to the health of the eye. But for some men, they are actually caused by excessive sexual or masturbatory activity, which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction. Obviously, the idea that masturbation causes blindness is a myth.

No one has ever become blind because of masturbation. However, there are actually people that masturbate abusively, are addicted to sex and suffer from sexual exhaustion who have reported various degrees of eye problems such as eye-floaters or blurry vision, even some dizziness in certain degrees.

An eye floater problem is generally due to oxidative stress, an inflammatory disorder caused by the deficiency of cGMP, nitric oxide or acetylcholine in the rod visual sensory nerves.  Coincidentally, these same deficiencies occur in cases of nervous erectile disorder.  For that reason, this type of retina problem can be brought on by over-masturbation or over-ejaculation. If a man ejaculates daily or even multiple times a day, he could be over-stimulating his nervous system and causing the deficiencies that lead to the eye floater problem.

By using this tincture, eye floaters will eventually dissolve. Rehmannia Glutinosa is included to address the dizziness symptoms associated with the floater disorder. It contains vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as other useful compounds that reduce the production of pro-inflammatory factors. Cornus, also known as “wolf eyes”, contributes to greater health of the eyes with its wide healing properties. Meanwhile, the White Peony herb treats cardiovascular activities as well as serves immune and central nervous system functions, cleansing the system and circulation to the eyes.

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