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My Discharge Is Blacking Out

Learn about some of the more intrusive side effects of long term birth control use, and how to avoid harmful infections.
Case #: 1177

I would like to know why I am having blackish discharge. I am on birth control. This has happened more than once. It feels like my period but I shouldn’t be getting my period yet. I am scared and I do not know what’s going on. I took 2 pills at once if that has anything to do with it?

Vaginal discharge can be a crucial indicator as far as what exactly is going on inside of a woman's body. Don't get me wrong, a little discharge of the correct color is nothing to worry about. However, if you've recently noticed such a dramatic change in the type of discharge your body is producing, it could very well be detrimental to your health.
Birth Control Blackout

As a rule, I am suspicious of any discharge that isn't the typical clear or milky white. Most of the time a discharge that is green, yellow, or a blackish-brown sends up a red flag for infection in the body. In this particular case, the blackish discharge you are producing is most likely attributed to the type of birth control you've been prescribed. Hormone-based birth control will fill the body with extra progesterone and estrogen that we don't necessarily need. They do this so that our brains will be tricked into thinking we're pregnant. Once our brains are set on a pregnant state of mind, our ovarian function will shut down.
When large amounts of progesterone or estrogen collect in the uterus and cervix, the liver will begin failing to remove the abundant quantities of hormones. The liver also will no longer be able to fully support the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.
Too Much Of 'The Pill'

Many women who take birth control for years on end will experience this type of discharge. After small amounts of menstrual blood builds up in the uterine walls, the blood becomes oxidized, resulting in vaginal discharge that appears dark black or brown in color. If the blood is trapped for a long period of time, yeast trapped in the vaginal walls can also change the color to black and creates a noticeable odor.
How To Fix It

By utilizing herbs such as Dong Quia, Phellodendron Amurense, Alpiniae Officinarum, and Ailanthus Cortex any bacterial infections that may have developed because of the long term birth control use will be quelled. (SEE: Natural Formula for Abnormal Vaginal Discharge) Dong Quia will help to rectify any irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, or anemia issues, and will also fix your abnormal discharge symptoms.
In addition to these herbs, I would also recommend taking a break from your regular birth control use. I personally like to go off my pill for a full month each year. This will give your body some proper rest time, and will also help your liver to strain out all the synthetic hormone buildup.

What to do

Botanical Tincture For Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

Depite the unsightliness of Vaginal Discharge you should know that it may be the result of important functions of the female reproductive system.

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Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 59935

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