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The Reality of PCOS: Will She Ever Have a Baby, Or is She Destined to Only Dream of Motherhood?

Her symptoms and blood work results suggest PCOS. The possibility of this diagnosis tugs at her heart because she desperately wants to have a baby. What she needs is information to help her naturally reduce her symptoms and improve her chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Case #: 1703


Hello. I had a series of tests done last month because I fear I have all the symptoms of PCOS. I don’t have periods, my hair grows where it shouldn’t on a woman, and I have hair loss and weight gain. I have been trying to get pregnant without success. Some of the tests came back and revealed my hormones are all over the place. My risk of having PCOS is really high. I want to be able to become pregnant, but I hear the chances are slim when you have PCOS. Is there a way I can make it calm down or something? Please help me deal with this and tell me if it’s possible to have a baby. Thank you so much.


Women tend to think of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) as a purely black-and-white disorder. They believe symptoms like weight gain and facial hair spell the end of femininity, and a diagnosis instantly eliminates any possibility of pregnancy. But the criteria for PCOS still continue to change, meaning it is not a clear-cut disorder. What we’re telling you is that women with PCOS can get pregnant, and the condition’s symptoms are manageable for those who diligently care for their bodies.

Learning the Details of PCOS

Here are two crucial points you need to know about PCOS: women are at higher risk of developing the disorder if they are obese and/or have a female relative already diagnosed. One of these factors can be controlled, while the other cannot. Hence, the first thing you can do to reduce PCOS symptoms is lose excess weight and keep it off. You’ll also improve your overall health, which is crucial to your well-being and chances of conceiving a baby.

Now on to the nature of this condition. Its exact cause has yet to be determined, but in general it relates to an excessive amount of androgens in the body. Males and females alike produce androgens, but they are considered masculine hormones. Too many androgens disrupt functions necessary for female reproduction and cause symptoms like hair loss, acne, depression, and hair growth on the face and chest.

PCOS causes infertility because it directly impacts ovulation and menstruation. To be more specific, women with the condition have abnormally large ovaries that rarely produce eggs. The eggs that are produced usually cannot be fertilized. This translates to a lack of ovulation, which accounts for irregular and/or absent menstruation.

How, then, is pregnancy possible?

Conceiving a Baby Despite the Obstacles

Roughly 5 to 10 percent of women of child-bearing age suffer PCOS. Yet many of these women go on to conceive and give birth to healthy babies. They are able to do so because they manage their symptoms.

One of the most important considerations is early detection of PCOS. This reduces the risk of long-term complications like insulin resistance, heart disease and high blood pressure.

It’s also crucial for women to improve their health in other ways. For instance, high levels of stress contribute to hormone imbalances, which mean stress must be controlled. We recommend techniques like home and work organization, time management and the creation of personal boundaries. You should also find ways to relax each and every day – try resting in a warm bubble bath, knitting or reading.

To get even more basic, you need to establish a routine exercise schedule. This is crucial to managing stress as well as maintaining a healthy weight. A diet rich in whole foods will give your body the nutrients it needs and, again, contribute to weight loss.

Another All Natural Approach

Herbs can further boost your efforts to conceive and reduce the unwanted side effects of PCOS. Of those available to treat female infertility, Maca powder offers the most promise. (TRY: PCOS Symptom Relief Formula) It is grown in the mountains of Peru and, packed with 50 phytochemicals, restores balance to hormones. This is the same goal of fertility drugs – the difference is that Maca powder works gently and naturally with the body. It also improves symptoms like acne, stress, facial hair, and depression.

[More Details +]

Views: 180

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility, PMS Problems

Blog ID: 60461

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