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Bombing Your Liver – High Cholesterol and Prescription Drugs

Here we have a gentleman who, as a result of finding out he has high cholesterol levels, went to the doctor and was prescribed a couple of different prescriptions, both of which resulted in a Mr. Happy becoming Mr. Softy. How does he get things harder again?

Case #: 836


Hi, I'm 34 years old I was sexually active until my doctor put me on Gemfibrozil (cholesterol medicine). From the third day I noticed impotence and my penis getting weaker. The doctor wanted me to stop it and try Atorvastatin, I felt the same weakness after 6 days and I don't have the same feeling during sex. Now they want me to try Simvastatin which might have the same side effects!!! Please let me know if this will get worse if I should keep taking those medications?


Lots of us guys love a good war movie. Most of us know: “I like the smell of napalm in the morning…” that famous line from 1979s Apocalypse Now. We love seeing some battle-hardened hero running around with a machinegun, like Stallone or Swartzenegger, impossibly mowing down waves of enemies. And how about when they call in those kicka** airstrikes? You hear the distance hum of the bomber engines that grow louder as they approach the designated target; an enemy held village.

Carpet Bombing

As they pass over, you hear that distinct whistling noise as they release their deadly payloads. And then bomb after bombs hits the ground in rows of explosive death, leaving orange fireballs and destruction in their wake. Unfortunately, collateral damage occurs because the bombs don’t discriminate, they blow up the enemy soldiers and civilians alike. Yes, the enemy is now destroyed, but so are the good people of the village.

Similarly, you had an excess of bad cholesterol (LDL), as opposed to the good kind (HDL), which can lead to serious cardiovascular problems. So, you sought out help for it in the form of Cholesterol medicine. Your liver produces LDL naturally in order to enhance your hormonal maintenance and production. In order to reduce the amount of LDL, these medications target specialized enzymes which are involved in your body’s cholesterol-hormone conversion.

Unfortunately, some of these same enzymes also block androgen hormones, which are crucial to sexual arousal; resulting in the shrinkage of your penis, as well as soft erections. So the prescription meds are carpet bombing these enzymes in your liver function, and are unable to tell friend from foe. How do we fix this problem?

Returning to a Natural Path

To start with, you should think about purchasing supplements containing vitamin’s B-5 and B-3, as well as fish oil, since these will naturally lower your cholesterol levels. Another good thing to do is start an exercise program, including cardiovascular workouts. This will help with blood flow and circulation, and help to clean out your veins; everything from your smallest capillaries to your major arteries.

Another great way to lower your cholesterol is to invest in a juicer. Increasing your fruit and vegetable consumption can really make a difference, and you can even disguise the taste of veggies by adding fruits to the mix.

Taking powerful healing herbs are a great way to really naturally increase your blood flow, promotes the production of testosterone, stimulate your sexual hormonal levels (leading to renewed arousal), and boosts the amount of nutrients transported into your interconnected penile chambers, for longer lasting and harder erections. (SEE: Natural Erection Restoration Caused by High Cholesterol) So let’s say goodbye to the old carpet bombing technique.

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观看次数: 257


笔记编号: 59855

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