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The Downfall Of Teenage Masturbation

Learn how a young girls' acne stems from something other than mere puberty.
Case #: 1289

I am at a stage in my life where I want boys to notice me. I want them to ask me to dances, and I too want them to love me for who I am. However, I fear one problem prevents them from doing any of these things: acne. I have a lot of acne to the point where people stare at my face. I have tried acne creams and prescription medication, but still, I keep experiencing tons of zits. And because I feel so alone, I tend to masturbate a bit. Could this be a problem?

From the sound of things, it would seem that the for-mentioned “stage” of life you're currently going through is that of the pubescent period. This will probably be one of the most confusing times of your long life simply because everything on the inside is going crazy!
The Joys Of Puberty

Sometimes, the total chaos of raging hormones bubble up to the surface and presents itself through outer means. Acne is unfortunately prevalent during this period, because of the hormonal anarchy that is happening within. Your body is trying to settle itself and balance out these levels, but it will take some time.
First-Hand Experience

Take it from someone who knows all about being lonely in her teen years, it gets better I promise. When I was going through high school I was very shy. I kept to myself a lot, and yes I masturbated to take the edge off . . . A LOT. I started to notice small pimples forming around my nose and forehead. This was a bit odd for me, only because I was reaching the end of puberty and I had rarely had a problem with acne before. Thankfully, I came across some eye-opening research that linked excessive masturbation during the pubescent period and acne.
Masturbation Mishap

I learned that masturbating too much could actually cause a pretty significant imbalance to ones endocrine system. An excessive amount of masturbation could lead to acne through a bevy of pathological means. It could cause androgen hormones to over produce sebum, leaving them imbalanced and bacteria ridden.
Fixed From The Inside Out

Firstly, I would obviously recommend cutting back on the self-love. I completely understand the urge, but in order to clear up your acne, you'll have to stave off quite a bit. By this time I'm sure you've tried every pimple cream there is, unfortunately, your masturbation is counteracting your efforts.
I would suggest a more natural approach than the harsh chemicals some face creams include in their ingredients any way. Herbal remedies with ingredients like Zinc, Dong Quai, and Mexican Wild Yam are a great organic alternative to face creams, because they work from within. (TRY: Natural Herbal Formula for Acne Outbreaks) They will also help to ease some of the other problems that come packaged with puberty. They do this by actually balancing the androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and salivary testosterone hormones that are otherwise running haywire during the pubescent stage of life.

What to do

Acne Herbal Treatment & Outbreak Control

Get rid of those nasty acne breakouts!

[More Details +]

Views: 234

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion

Blog ID: 60319

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