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Pesky Persistent Penile Papule Problem (Try Saying That Four Times Really Fast!)

A young man has found some little white thing-a-ma-jiggers on his penis and is rightly concerned about this alarming discovery. How can he make them disappear?

Case #: 1616


I am 16 years old and I have these pearly penile papules and all I want to know is if there is any way I can make them go away? I read on some forum website that some guy got the papules from an allergic reaction to something he took. I have never been able to get rid of them, I use regular cream but that hasn't done me any good and I am pretty sure there is something else out there that will help make all this go away.


Can you imagine…? There you are, minding your own business - just whistling away as you tinkle into the toilet. You’re about to wrap things up; or rather tuck and zip things up, when you casually glance down for a cursory penile inspection when…WTF?? You suddenly notice that someone seems to have salted your penis without your permission!

WTF Are Those?

Wait a minute, those things are really weird looking; sound the alarm! Alert the press! Wait…don’t alert the press. Something is really wrong here…perhaps at any moment you will start turning into one of those creatures from 28 Days Later, and start rabidly staggering down the hallway! Ahhhhh!

Yes, tiny white bumps showing up on your penis can be distressing, and indeed they can resemble genital warts. But many times, the ride is going to be less bumpy (pun intended) than you think. Instead of an STD, they can just simply turn out to be hirsuties coronae, or penile papules. The cause of this annoying and unsightly condition is still relatively unknown, although some scientists have theorized that they are the leftovers of penile spines. Male cats have backward pointing penile spines that hook and rake against the walls of the female feline’s vaginal walls for added pleasure. Whatever the case, these papules can not only be personally disheartening, but they can really wreak havoc on your love life since many girls will find them pretty gross!

So how do you find a way to rid yourself of these ugly little bumps?

Back to Normal

If you do believe that you may have contracted something more serious, such as genital warts, you should go get checked out by your doctor. However, once you’re in the clear, consider using a natural remedy for those annoying papules.

One effective solution is Castor Oil, a highly useful vegetable oil which is derived from pressing the seeds of Castor plants. (SEE: Castor Oil Penile Papule Removal) Castor Oil is jam-packed with potent fatty acid chains, that when combined with other additives, can help inhibit HIV, can be used as an antifungal agent, and yes, it can also be instrumental in treating skin ailments and ulcers. When used to treat penile papules, the inherent antifungal and antibacterial properties of Castor Oil can help to completely wipe out those little pesky bumps. Men have reported that the regular application of Castor Oil helps with their penile papule problem in just a few weeks. So invest in yourself and zap those papules into oblivion!

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Views: 254

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 60891

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