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One Clit Wounder

Female is experiencing severe clitoral pains and complete vaginal, G-spot, and clitoral numbness after using a vibrator once, five months prior. What is causing these severe reactions, will she ever regain sensation, and is there anything she can take to regain sensation?

Case #: 986


I had sex 5 months ago using a vibrator. The next day my vaginal area was very painful and dry. I applied lube to the area, which gave me temporary relief. The pain lasted 3 weeks and I continue to have sharp, stinging pains in my clitoris. I have absolutely no feeling in my clitoris, g-spot, or vagina. I do have very little sensation while masturbating the clitoral hood. My question is if it is permanent nerve damage. Will I ever have sensation again, or is there some kind of test I can take to determine if it’s permanent? Also, is there something you can recommend for me to use? Or recommend a specialist?


It is highly unlikely that having sex one time whilst using a vibrator has caused all the problems you’ve listed. You comment that you’ve lost sensation in your clitoris, G-spot, and vagina—this is not the kind of thing that begins with one simple vibrator usage. It seems to me that more must have happened that you forgot to mention, such as birth control usage, or extended vibrator usage.

Sexually Stressed

Did you use the vibrator inside of yourself? How large was it? How long did you use it for? You could have stressed your vagina to the point that you caused a temporary prostaglandin buildup, but such a condition should not have continued for five months.

If you inserted the vibrator and it was too large, you could have injured the tissues in your vagina to the point that it caused a stress reaction, which would result in bruising, pain, and possibly cramping until your body has processed the pain chemicals that were created. However, this process should not take more than a week in a properly functioning body filtration system.

I can understand soreness and dryness the day after; the vibration could conceivably have irritated your vagina and vulva to the point of near bruising. Along with that, the swelling of your vaginal tissues and the fact that your vagina felt injured explains the dryness you experienced. However, that should have ended within a few days to a week after your experience.

Unbalanced and Numb

I do not think you have permanent damage, and I do believe the problem to stem from an imbalance of hormones rather than a one-off incident with a vibrator. To completely lose sensation in your reproductive area suggests a serious imbalance in your body. It could even be that you’re effectively “psyching yourself out”, to the point that your stress hormones are actually causing you to lose sensation in the area.

Cortisol is the stress hormone I’m speaking of, and its presence in the body has a negative effect on all kinds of processes. It can cause weight gain, sleep issues, and put a damper on all things sexual for women. It prohibits normal sexual response, and causes a decrease in sexual sensation.

Heal the Damage

In order to begin feeling again, you must try to stop fixating on this issue. I’m going to recommend you begin a supplement designed to restore sensation to the clitoris and vagina. (TRY: Clitoral Desensitization Herbal Remedy) It increases blood flow, encourages nerve growth, enhances libido, and sexual satisfaction. By beginning this treatment, you will soon regain your sexual sensation. You will also notice the cessation of pain in your clitoris, due to the healing and rejuvenating effects of the herbs.

I’m sorry you had such a negative experience, but I’m sure you will soon be fully recovered by the use of this product. Best wishes!

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Views: 229

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 60378

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