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Inability to Reach Full Orgasm after Quitting Birth Control Pills

He wants to restore his 28 year-old wife's orgasm ability after birth control damaged her sexual function.

Case #: 33621


My wife is 28 years old and had 2 vaginal deliveries before. The last delivery was about 4 years ago. To avoid any more baby coming and due to the downturn on our financial condition, she started taking the birth control pill Estropap few months ago. During that time, she has a very low sex desire. I finally convinced her to stop taking them and replaced with cervical cup instead.

Her libido comes back gradually and has getting orgasms, but claims them to not be fulfilling, kind of like getting to the top but stop short of going over the edge or over the threshold. She didn’t have this problem before taking the birth control pills.


Your wife's orgasm difficulty is not uncommon for women on birth control. Birth control decreases or kills sexual and orgasmic responses in addition to many other vaginal problems. You were right to caution her against using the pill.

Hormone-based birth control emulates a pregnancy state by flooding the brain with excessive progesterone and/or estrogen, so that your brain will think you are pregnant and then shut down your ovarian function. This results in excessive progesterone or estrogen in the uterus and cervix. When the liver fails to detoxify the excessive hormones and to fully support the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin, you may suffer from depression, low libido and orgasmic dysfunction. [1] [2] [3] [4]

If there is excessive estrogen in the bloodstream, the vagina becomes too wet and has no feeling. The labia minors and clitoral foreskin will grow if the tissue is exposed to excessive estrogen for a long time. Breast tissue becomes tender and saggy. If there is excessive progesterone in the bloodstream, the vagina becomes too dry, numb, discharges very heavily, or develops a yeast infection. It may also lead to intercourse pains, due to a lack of the anti-inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-1 and excessive amounts of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2.

In either condition, the clitoris and G-spot will shrink as a result of a severe deficiency of the androgen hormones androstenedione, free testosterone and DHT. As a result, women taking birth control -- including your partner -- will often suffer from sexual dysfunction or difficulty achieving an orgasm.

To reverse the damage caused by birth control medication, you can try liver detox formula to eliminate the hormonal metabolite byproducts. Hormonal Realignment & Rejuvenation Formula will help her gradually rejuvenate her neuro-endocrine function, detoxify her liver, uterus and cervix, and boost her prostaglandin E-1 & E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production for healing.


  1. ^Hatcher & Nelson (2004). "Combined Hormonal Contraceptive Methods". In Hatcher, Robert D.. Contraceptive technology (18th ed.). New York: Ardent Media, Inc. pp. 403, 432, 434. ISBN 0-9664902-5-8.
  2. Darney, Philip D.; Speroff, Leon (2005). A clinical guide for contraception (4th ed.). Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 72. ISBN 0-7817-6488-2.
  3. Loose, Davis S.; Stancel, George M. (2006). "Estrogens and Progestins". In Brunton, Laurence L.; Lazo, John S.; Parker, Keith L. (eds.). Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1541–1571. ISBN 0-07-142280-3.
  4. Glasier, Anna (2006). "Contraception". In DeGroot, Leslie J.; Jameson, J. Larry (eds.). Endocrinology (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. pp. 2993–3003. ISBN 0-7216-0376-9.
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观看次数: 187


笔记编号: 62642

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