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Mind Cleanse & Addiction Control Solution

This Is How Your Nightmares Started

You started off watching porn a few times a week. Then you began watching porn and masturbating. After a few months, you were masturbating and watching porn regularly, often once or twice a day. After a few months, you noticed sex with a partner seemed lackluster. You felt unfulfilled, yet porn always seemed to get you more

excited and rock-hard. After years of watching porn and masturbating, you seem unable to maintain an erection or even hold an ejaculation for more than ten minutes.
The above-mentioned scene describes a typical downward spiral most men endure with sex addiction. Women combat similar issues, except females often experience painful orgasms and discomfort during sex. Constant masturbation can lead to sexual addiction and exhaustion, where the most addicted individuals suffer from embarrassing and painful symptoms caused by their out-of-control lifestyle.

This Solution Maybe Helpful If You:
  • Can't quit porn addiction, sex, or masturbation addiction
  • Exhibit compulsive addictive sexual behaviors
  • Feeling loneliness, rage of discomfort, or mood swings
Formulated To Fix Porn Addiction & Dirty Mind Misbehaviors Based On These Healing Herbs: 
The Emergence of Sexual Addiction

Sexual addiction emerged as the newest physiological condition of the 21st century. Thanks to the Internet, men and women could easily access pornography from the privacy of their homes. No longer did they need to walk into a video store or attend a sex theater to watch private films. All a man or women needs to satisfy his or her sexual desires is a credit card and an Internet connection. Transactions are instant, and pleasures are satisfied promptly.
The privatization of sex made it easier to obtain, but privatization lead to an insidious, ineffectual outcome: millions of sex addicts. Most men and women assume that watching porn and masturbating a few times a week is harmless. Some masturbate often to allay stress. Others watch porn to spice up their relationships. What may seem as a harmless act can diminish intimacy, sensitivity, and intercourse with a spouse. When a person is sexually and mentally exhausted, soft erections, premature ejaculations, painful vaginal intercourse can all ensue.

Insula Cortex – The Dead-end Hook

Scientists have found that the Insula Cortex, located within the brain’s cerebral cortex, is responsible for re-enforcing such addictions. The Insula Cortex involves the processing of emotional experience, conscious rewarding, and decision-making. People who suffer from sex, eating, and drug addictions have bio-chemically altered their Insula Cortexes. Recent research has also determined that an injured Insula Cortex disrupts addictive patterns. [1],[2]

Your Natural Rescue - Periwinkle

Periwinkle, a plant native to Europe and Asia, contains more than 50 alkaloids beneficial in helping treat brain-associated diseases. Key alkaloids and constituents include: [3] [4] [5]

  • Vincamine
  • Reserpine
  • Reserpinine
  • Akuammicine
  • Majdine
  • Vinerine
  • Ervine
  • Vineridine
  • Tombozine
  • Vincamajine

Recently discovered alkaloids are: Vincanine, Vincanidine, Vincamone, Apovincamine, Vincaminol,

Desoxyvincaminol and Perivincine. [4] [5]

How This Formula Helps

Natural ingredients from Periwinkle, Salvia Root, Sacha Inchi, Alisma Plantago, and Gastrodia contain molecules that help increase cerebral blood flow into many regions of the mind that influence addictive behaviors. For example, Vinacamine is one of the molecules that has been analyzed for its ability to increase the blood flow to the brain without increasing blood pressure in the body. [6] [7]

Don’t Let Your Nerves Age

Additionally, the formula may even help heal various damaging and aging neurons, which explains why dementia patients are being treated with this formula. Pharmaceutical companies may even release these ingredients in botanical drugs.  [7]

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观看次数: 742


笔记编号: 60536

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Sasha Johnson-
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永远不要说永远:他还没有高潮,但在一些帮助下,他可以克服微弱的勃起,享受性爱 虽然他不愿透露自己的确切年龄,但他已经足够大,可以享受性爱的乐趣了。但是他不能 也就是说他不能高潮 因为他的
Jean Dohm
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生活的高潮和低谷:一个中年男人因为胆固醇而不能勃起 他说他的勃起就像一个年龄是他两倍的男人一样 很弱,而且不会持久。因为这个,他不能做爱。高胆固醇是罪魁祸首,尤其是考虑到他一生都有吃肉和土豆的
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Kate Gorrell.
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年龄的危险:44岁的丈夫和妻子对勃起无力和无法达到性高潮感到沮丧 她很担心她丈夫,他的行为和往常不一样。正如她所暗示的那样,他可能正在经历中年危机,或者受到性挫折的影响。最近,他们在床上的时间远
Jean Dohm-
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生活在快车道:一个自称Swinger寻求帮助抑制性耐力 他曾经吹嘘自己能在早晨勃起,这吸引了他的爱人的注意。现在结婚了,晨木停止了,他的欲望也同样消散了。罪魁祸首很容易找到:性生活太多。作为一个自
Jean Dohm