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When Pleasure Becomes Pain – Over-Masturbation Stimulates Unwanted Acne Well Beyond Adolescent Years

Although it’s been a decade since he finished puberty, he continues to experience regular acne breakouts. He’s self-conscious of his appearance and lacks confidence with women. The culprit is over-masturbation, which triggers hormones that trap bacteria and oil in the skin.

Case #: 1340


I’m past puberty. In fact, I am almost 10 years removed from that phase in my life. Despite being older, I still experience heavy bouts with acne. This problem affects my confidence with women. I feel the acne turns off partners. And for someone my age, I should not be experiencing these problems. I notice some article mention that over-masturbation may lead to acne. Could my acne be the result of my current state of affairs?


Acne is a topic that seems to never find resolution. Some say it’s caused by nutritional deficiencies, others say it’s the result of dirty skin, and still others say it’s effected by hormonal imbalances. Despite the debate, one fact stands clear above the others: acne is not limited to adolescence, meaning it can afflict adults from age 20 all the way to age 60. In other words, there is no magic age when pimples stop.

This knowledge has forced many people to reconsider their notions of acne and explore lifestyle changes and cleansing habits that support healthy skin. Some of those changes even relate to sex and masturbation, two activities that should seemingly have nothing to do with acne. But once you consider how climax influences your body, you’ll understand the connection between over-masturbation and pimples.

The Male Body and Climax

Men and women alike engage in masturbation because it feels good. It is natural, normal and healthy, and acceptance of masturbation has removed the earlier stigma once attached to it. In fact, masturbation is so widely accepted that information about what happens to the male body and brain during ejaculation is even available.

Many hormones and chemicals are released before and during sex to ensure a pleasurable experience. For instance, oxytocin is secreted by the pituitary gland and helps to increase the intensity of orgasm. Endorphins are released throughout the body and help produce feelings of calm and relaxation.

When it comes to acne, the most important chemical found in the body is testosterone. Responsible for sex drive, testosterone is crucial to the arousal phase of masturbation. You would have no interest in sex without it, meaning it is equal parts good and bad.

The Effects of Testosterone

While testosterone plays essential roles in the body, it also helps to manufacture dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is responsible for such characteristics as facial hair, a deep voice and hard muscles. It also contributes to oily skin.

Escalated hormone levels, particularly DHT, cause new skin cells to rapidly grow. That growth can impede the removal of dead cells, and oxygen diminishes as old and new tissues compete for space within narrow hair canals and pores. The result is acne, which in little time can become quite problematic.

Masturbation causes DHT levels to soar. Some people dismiss this claim as an old wives’ tale or an anecdote to discourage masturbation. But the reality is that many hormones and steroids naturally produced by the body increase after masturbation – and sex. This is why over-masturbation causes such unwanted side effects as acne and hair loss: it renders changes in the body that cannot be ignored.

You Don’t Have to Give up Sex

This does not mean you have to entirely give up sex and masturbation. As with most things in life, the key is moderation. Each person is created differently, but the general consensus is that masturbation should be limited to about three times a week. If you find it hard to cut back, start engaging in other activities like jogging and weightlifting. Any type of exercise will release feel-good endorphins that mimic the satisfaction provided by sex.

You can also increase your confidence and improve your appearance by taking a natural herbal supplement. (SEE: Herbal Treatment for Acne & Outbreak Control) Unlike commercial creams and soaps, herbs go to the root of the problem and help balance hormones. The result will be clean pores, smooth skin and a renewed interest in your overall well-being, rather than a preoccupation with masturbation.

[More Details +]

Views: 232

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion

Blog ID: 61706

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