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They’d Have the Perfect Relationship If They Could Only Make Love: His Erectile Dysfunction Keeps Them Out Of the Bedroom and in Limbo

She met a wonderful man on an Internet dating site and, for the first time since her divorce, feels loved. Her happy ending is not yet complete, however: the two need to have sex before she can fully appreciate who he is. While intercourse shouldn’t be an obstacle for two people in their 50s, they’re having problems because of his erectile dysfunction. She wants to help him – and get into bed – but doesn’t know how.
Case #: 2019

I am 52 years old and met through an online dating site the man of my dreams. He’s sexy, funny and as sweet as he is smart. We’re highly compatible, and after my divorce, it’s an enormous relief to feel loved again. Of course, no happy ending comes without problems. Ours are sexual. I said this man is sexy, but I meant only in how he looks. We haven’t slept together yet because he has erectile dysfunction (ED). He explained to me it’s caused by his high blood pressure – he’s 57. Both of us really want to have sex, but he says he needs to control his ED before we can do so. Is there anything I can do to help him so we can move forward our relationship?

In the U.S., one in three adults has high blood pressure (HBP). Men are more susceptible than women, and less than half of all diagnosed have the condition under control. If you’ve ever wondered why HBP matters so much, here’s the answer: it contributes to your risk for many life-threatening conditions, including heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.
Blood Pressure and the Penis

The link between HBP and erectile dysfunction (ED) can be found in blood flow. A man achieves erection when veins in the penis drain of blood and then fill again. Once refilled, those veins close to hold the blood in place and allow the penis to stay hard.
HBP damages the entire circulatory system. Veins and arteries become blocked or ruptured so blood can’t flow as it should. A man with impeded blood flow and damaged veins will suffer erection difficulty – even if his partner is perfect.
Sometimes the medication used to treat HBP also causes ED. This is rare, but it does happen. Other medications that interfere with erections include antidepressants and antihistamines.
High Blood Pressure and Erectile Dysfunction on the Rise

In America, the incidence of high blood pressure has increased among people of all ages. In 2014, a study published by Medical News Today revealed the number of emergency room visits caused by HBP increased 25 percent between 2006 and 2011. While the exact cause of HBP remains unknown, risk factors like obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, and drinking increase the likelihood of developing this condition.
It’s interesting to note ED is also on the rise, especially among men younger than 40. Thanks to commercials for traditional ED medications, sexual problems are often associated with gray-haired, smiling men driving convertibles or lounging on beaches. But these images are more mythical than realistic. Everything from stress to too much sex contributes to ED, meaning it’s not limited to a specific group.
The Best Sex Comes with Herbs

In 2011, the National Institutes of Health revealed more men choose herbal remedies to treat ED. Patients have confirmed the efficacy of these treatments and also enjoy the safety they provide. By this, we mean they don’t present the complications many traditional medicines bring.
So, which herbal treatments are best for ED? The answer depends on factors like a man’s medical history and the cause of ED. Your lover will gain the most benefit from ViaPal-hGH-X, a sophisticated blend of herbs specifically for men with high blood pressure and/or cardiovascular problems. It contains key ingredients like Horny Goat Weed and Garlic Oil to improve sexual response and light a man’s flame.
ViaPal-hGH-X improves blood flow to the penis and rejuvenates tissues damaged by HBP. (TRY: ViaPal-hGH-X for Improved Stronger Erections) It also delivers important nutrients to the prostate and adrenal glands, balances hormones and improves sexual sensitivity. Each of these factors is necessary for hard, sustainable erections and deliciously satisfying intercourse.
Tips for Sex in Your 50s

As you might already know, sex in your 50s will be different from previous decades. To make the most of this time, and enjoy your lover to the fullest, ensure you both manage stress and care for yourselves. This means doing what you enjoy rather than constantly giving your time to others.
Also make regularly scheduled visits to the doctor to ensure your reproductive health is top-notch. Have your lover visit the urologist to maintain prostate health, and both of you should have routine physicals. Aside from that, remember nobody has a “sexpiration” date. You both can enjoy the wonders of physical intimacy for many years to come.

What to do

ViaPal-hGH-X Remedy for ED with High Blood Pressure

ViaPal-hGH-X Formula is an erectile dysfunction herbal formula used to rejuvenate the sex organs.

[More Details +]

Views: 250

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 59988

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