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Too Much Happy Time – Problems Associated With Excessive Masturbation

Here, we’ll check in with a gentleman that is addicted to masturbation. This has led to burning out his body’s resources. If that weren’t enough, he’s taking an anti-depressant, which is only exacerbating his problems.

Case #: 719


Since youth I have been an addict of over-masturbation with all the consequences you mentioned. During that time of my life I was using the antidepressant, Bromazepam and drugs for blood pressure and cholesterol, low libido, no erection, no orgasm, loss of memory, anxiety and depression. No self-confidence.

To make it worse, all my hair was lost. I hope nevertheless my age and late reaction that I did not visit this site before, hopefully there is still something I can do about my hair and addiction. Thank You.


Ah yes…one of the most ancient and natural ways to relieve stress; masturbation. The daily grind can be hard enough, so why not treat yourself to a little soothing relaxation by having a little self-sexy time?

Too Much Fun Time
Maybe your significant other is away; that’s okay, you don’t need anyone else but you and your body to pull it off. And you don’t require much in the way of material; maybe a skin magazine, or kicking back and watching a few porn flicks, or simply hanging out and thinking about someone special that you’ve been thinking about having sex with.

You can dream, right? But what happens when you engage in it too much, without much rest in-between sessions?

You’re stressed out, that’s understandable in this day’s world. You’ve formed a habit out of masturbation, and it’s your go-to solution for alleviating anxiety. Unfortunately, you’re actually harming your body, not helping it. Masturbating too frequently is resulting in your body releasing an overabundance of sex hormones and neurotransmitters.

This forces it to convert epinephrine/DHT/dopamine at such high levels, that it’s overtaxing your body’s resources and severely unbalancing your hormonal levels, which can lead to a whole host of symptoms. If that weren’t enough, the prescription drugs that you’re taking for stress is further compounding these issues, since a couple of the side-effects of Bromazepam specifically are memory loss and a low sex-drive (low libido). What to do?

Treat Yourself

Want to gain back some of your vitality? You can begin by abstaining from both sex and masturbation altogether for 3 weeks. During this period, treat yourself to a healthy diet consisting of whole, unprocessed (or minimally processed).

No junk food. Why do I say treat yourself? Well, taking this problem seriously and doing something about it will signal to your brain patterns that you are attempting to heal yourself and that in and of itself will start to stimulate a natural rise in your confidence.

When you do come back to masturbation and/or sex, be careful not to fall into the same habits as before. Make a mental note to only engage in playtime three to four times (maximum) a week.

Want to really get serious about recovery? You should try taking a natural healing formula [TRY: natural remedy for extremely severe hair loss] which contains properties that can help to rebalance your out-of-whack hormonal levels. They will also help to reduce your stress levels, and the only side-effects will be more blood circulation, leading to harder erections, as well as eliminating your extensive DHT buildup, which is causing your hair loss (along with stress). Here’s to a healthier and more wholistic path to recovery.

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观看次数: 205


笔记编号: 59299

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