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Missing Periods and Missing Out on Periods: She Can’t Get Pregnant Because of Irregular Menstruation

She loves kids and, as if to prove it, teaches school-aged children. But she’s embarrassed and frustrated by the fact that she and her husband have no children of their own. She wants to get pregnant but can’t because of irregular periods.

Case #: 780


I love kids. As a schoolteacher, I sort of have to. But when the kids at school say, “How many kids do you have?” I feel a bit embarrassed and say, well, none. My husband and I do want kids. We dream about having kids. But honestly, with my irregular periods, I find it almost impossible to know when my menstrual cycle begins and ends. Because of this unknown wild card, it is very difficult to get pregnant. Please help me!


A woman’s menstrual cycle can be tricky. It might proceed without concern for many months and then, out of nowhere, seem significantly heavy or light. A period can also arrive late or, even worse, not arrive at all. This creates a difficult situation for women who are trying to get pregnant.

An irregular period is defined as deviating from what you normally have. After a while, a woman’s body gets into a consistent routine that helps her identify unusual occurrences with her period. These also include changes to her body, such as menstrual cramps, headaches or nausea. Such signs must be closely monitored to ensure optimal reproductive health.

Your situation sounds like irregularity is the norm, but you should be on a menstrual cycle that includes monthly ovulation and shedding of the endometrium lining. Bleeding should regularly occur every 28 days or so. Some women can even predict to the time of day when menstruation will start. Because your body doesn’t operate with the same consistency, it’s sending a message that something is off-kilter.

Causes of Irregular Periods

Aside from pregnancy, hormone imbalance is the number one cause of abnormal periods. Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the menstrual cycle, and if either of these is higher or lower than what the body needs, menstruation can stop. Ovulation might still occur, but the timing is likely to vary between each month. This means you cannot accurately predict when you are most fertile and thus cannot time when to have intercourse so you become pregnant.

Hormonal imbalance can be the result of extreme fluctuations in weight, emotional stress and oral contraceptives. Significant weight loss or gain can impact ovulation, while stress shuts down reproductive functions to ensure the heart, brain and lungs receive the most attention. Diet and alcohol also influence menstruation, so it’s important you eat wholesome foods and drink only in moderation.

Understand Your Fertile Days

Many women incorrectly believe that ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of every menstrual cycle. The reality is that ovulation can occur on a variety of cycle days and depends on the woman. For some women it’s on the eleventh day, while for others it’s on the eighteenth.

You need this information to determine if and when you’re ovulating to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Taking your temperature every morning is one way to chart your menstrual cycle and learn on what days you’re most fertile. When your temperature rises, ovulation has started. You can also purchase an ovulating kit from a retail store and use this to measure your fertile days.

Improve Your Periods and Fertility

When it comes to menstruation, the body needs to maintain balance. Toxins in foods, the environment and even household products unfortunately offset that balance and thus impede reproductive functions. You can regain control of your body with an herbal formula designed to restore hormone levels and expel toxins. Herbs are among the safest and most effective natural remedies from which people can choose. (SEE: Herbs for Irregular Menstruation) They have been used throughout history to treat many maladies, including menstrual dysfunctions. Choose from a specially-blended formula that will regulate your periods and help you have the family for which you’ve been longing.

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观看次数: 255


笔记编号: 60905

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