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The Unsexy Connection Between Soft Erections and Acne

He started to notice that his persistent acne and soft erections had one thing in common: too much masturbation. Sound familiar? Learn why over-masturbation is so detrimental to your health, and find out what you can do.

Case #: 641


Over the last few months, I’ve noticed the strength of my penis decrease significantly. Before this problem, I had really bad acne, and according to your site, over masturbation was the culprit of my acne. Now it seems O.M. has also caused my erection strength to go astray.


Sounds like you have a firm understanding of what's wrong (but too bad your penis isn't so firm). When you masturbate compulsively, you deplete your body of important hormones like testosterone, dopamine, nitric oxide and acetylcholine, all of which are essential to ensuring a rock hard erection.

When you expend these important neurotransmitters and hormones faster than you can replenish them, your body starts to seek painful revenge. Your erections go soft due to lack of chemicals and inhibited blood flow, your prostate becomes inflamed from being overworked, and you start to produce inflammatory stress hormones which can cause everything from acne to blurred vision. Yes, hell hath no fury like a penis scorned.

Making Peace with Your Penis

Soft erections aren't just annoying. Less hardness makes you feel like less of a man. Your confidence is shaken, your love life suffers, and even masturbation isn't as much fun. But in order to get the problem under control, you need to recognize that too much masturbation is causing your problem in the first place.

So scale back on the one-handed love, delete the sexy nurse videos from your hard drive, switch to cold water in your morning showers, and maybe take up an exciting new non-sexual hobby, like hiking or chess or ding dong ditching...anything to get your mind off of those endless, insatiable sexual urges. If you can't control the urges, consider speaking with a therapist. You may have deeper emotional issues that you need to come to terms with.

When Solo Restraint Isn't Enough

Chances are, you've already done some serious damage, and it may not be enough to simply cut back on the love parade. You might need an additional helping hand from Mother Nature, and thankfully, Mother Nature is more than happy to oblige.

There are some excellent soothing herbs that can not only improve the quality of your erections, but reverse some of the damage caused by years of compulsive masturbation. You're going to want to familiarize yourself with herbs like Cuscuta, Cnidium, Epimedium and Schisandra, and try taking an herbal remedy (SEE MORE: Botanical Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction) that contains some combination of these ingredients.

These and similar herbs can help you to remedy tissue damage, improve blood flow to the penis, enhance sexual sensitivity and balance those important hormones and neurotransmitters. So don't just sit in the bathtub and lament the state of your droopy erection; take control of the issue and reclaim the unstoppable hardness that you deserv

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Views: 186

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59615

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