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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Kids Will Be Kids

His son continues to masturbate and produce large, never-ending streams of semen.

Case #: 31776


Most parents prepare themselves to answer the tough questions: Where do people go when they die? What is the meaning of life? And where do babies come from? I prepared myself mentally to answer most of these questions, and I too expected my son to ask me one day how babies were made. What I was not expecting was my 14-year-old son to say was, “Dad, why is that after I masturbate, my penis continues to gush out semen even after a few seconds have passed?”

I was taken aback by his question, and tried to gather more somewhat-awkward details about his dilemma. He soon confessed that his penis leaks a continuous stream of semen after an orgasm. As his father, I know he has no disease (how the hell could he when he’s never had sex—at least I hope he has not had sex). What could be the problem?


Technology, friends and movies make it easy for young, curious minds to find out what sex is. Porn serves as an interactive teacher about sex. Most boys who see the images imbedded on their computer screen or broadcasted on the television want to try it themselves. Most young teens do not get to have sex until late in life but most do explore their bodies. Most boys watch porn, while others watch porn and masturbate. Your son may not have been totally honest. Most boys who suffer from his problem tend to masturbate a lot—like more than 5-6 times a day.

Assessing The Problem
Your boy is suffering from a common condition known as over-masturbation, a normal issue for boys his age. As a teen, his hormones are fluctuating. Girls are looking attractive. Hair is growing on his face, and pimples are starting to emerge. He too is exploring his body. The problem is all that self-exploration can cause major issues later in life. Too much masturbation depletes the body of its serotonin reserve, a neurotransmitter that controls mood and ejaculation.

The more your son ejaculates, the further he depletes his serotonin level, along with testosterone, dopamine and a slew of other hormones and neurochemicals. All of this self-pleasuring can lead to prostate inflammation, weak erections, premature ejaculation and urinary problems later in life—not to mention is constant semen stream he sees now. Your son’s S1-S4 parasympathetic nerves and the serotonin nervous modulator in the prostatic plexus all have become depleted, causing his seminal emissions to overflow like geyser.

Reduce The Overflow
Your son needs to stop masturbating in excess. If he continues to spank the monkey, he no longer will have a healthy monkey to spank. His body will suffer from severe sexual exhaustion while his hormone levels will be severely imbalanced. He needs to relax, go outside and avoid masturbating. He too may want to take all-natural supplements that will stregthen the weakened nerve endings and minimize the amount of leakage he is experiencing.

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Blog ID: 58894

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