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Enough Already: His constant Need for Sex and Masturbation Has Given Way to Exhaustion and Sexual Problems

This wife has had enough. Her husband wants sex every night, and in between lovemaking, he regularly masturbates. Both are causing problems in the marriage bed: he now suffers premature ejaculation and erectile pain, but he’s not willing to discuss either. He instead blows up in anger, yet another symptom that points to sexual exhaustion.
Case #: 2037

My husband and I have been married three years, and we’ve had sex nearly every night since our wedding. I know he masturbates when we don’t have sex – I’ve caught him in the past, and he’s told me he needs to do it to relieve tension. So, on average, I would guess he orgasms 15 to 20 times per week. That seems like a lot, and when I confronted him with it, he immediately became angry. The only reason I broached the subject was because he’s having erection problems lately. He orgasms really quickly, and sometimes he complains about penis pain while we have sex. I have no idea what’s going on, but between his moodiness, the constant need for sex and his trouble in the bedroom, I’m fed up.


Sex is a necessary component of any healthy marriage. It bonds you with your spouse, creates a sense of intimacy and keeps the embers of love burning. But sex becomes commonplace when you have no breather in-between. Even the space of a few nights can increase anticipation so that when you make love, it’s special.
Constant sex over a long period of time creates another problem very few discuss: sexual exhaustion. This is a blanket term that encompasses symptoms like your husband’s. In addition to erectile dysfunction, sexual exhaustion can cause memory loss, ringing in the ears, muscle weakness, fatigue, and hair loss. Right now, given your husband’s history of intercourse and masturbation, he needs to reboot his system – it’s on chemical overload.
Too Much and Not Enough

Sex is so pleasurable because it combines sensual touch and nudity with hormone production and chemical release. These last two factors, chemicals and hormones, might seem unimportant but are in fact crucial. They produce the relaxed, satisfied and euphoric “high” that accompanies orgasm. Without them, sex wouldn’t be possible.
We probably need to explain what we’re talking about. You see, sex is pleasurable because nerves in the body transmit messages to the brain. The brain sends messages back and also produces a pool of chemicals that heighten sensitivity and bring a general feelings of happiness. The chemicals produced include oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, cortisol, and glutamate.
When repeatedly released, these chemicals accumulate in and wreak havoc on the body. They exhaust the central nervous system, cause inflammation and suppress immunity. Because the body depends on a keenly balanced state, an excess of certain chemicals means a deficiency of others. Testosterone in particular can drop significantly when other chemical levels become too high. This is why your husband isn’t performing so well in the bedroom.
Depleted Nutrients

A man’s semen looks like thick, stringy liquid, but it contains more than meets the eye. Nutrients like zinc, potassium and amino acids help nourish sperm and can therefore be found in every man’s semen. So, each time your husband ejaculates, he loses these nutrients and more. Excessive ejaculation will result in a deficiency, which makes itself visible in the form of mood swings and fatigue.
The longer sexual exhaustion persists, the more time a man will need to recover. We don’t know how long your husband has experienced his symptoms, but he needs to take a vacation from sex right now. This includes masturbation. He doesn’t need to lead a life of complete abstinence, but taking time off will help him tend to his body and hopefully gain a fresh perspective.
Wise Men Take Herbal Supplements

While your husband’s recovering from sexual exhaustion, he’ll need an herbal remedy to replenish his body with lost nutrients. He’ll also need to nourish the nerves and tissues in his penis. One of the most effective ways to do this is with ViaPal-hGH-O Erectile Pain Remedy. It is formulated for men with severe addictions to sex who also suffer from erection difficulty and pain.
If your husband is like most men, he might question the need for an herbal supplement. Here’s what ViaPal-hGH-O can do for his body: repair damaged tissues, improve blood flow to the penis and calm hyperactive nerves to stop premature ejaculation. (TRY: Erectile Pain Relief for Continous Production) This formula also balances hormones to give your husband sustainable erections that won’t go away anytime soon. It is the ideal way to combat sexual exhaustion.

What to do

ViaPal-hGH-O Erectile Pain Remedy For Severe Addictive Stage

ViaPal-hGH-O, formulated by Newman Lin of the Lin Institute, helps mentally

[More Details +]

Views: 222

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 60097

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